let's play a game

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Y/n's POV

"Y/N!!!!!!!!" Haley shouted and then tackled me off of my bed.

"JAVLÄ HELVETE!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled falling.

"I'm bored, can we play a game.....or maybe get some food?" Haley asked.

"Well don't have any food and I'm busy reading about Cisco Ramon and jacksepticeye," I said extremely annoyed.

"PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE???????" Haley asked with puppy eyes and her lip pouting.

"No," I said, just then Grant and Nate walked in.

"But, please?" She said, her puppy eyes and lip pout intensified.

"JAVLÄ HELVETE!!!!! SHEILD YOUR EYES!!!!!!!" I yelled covering my eyes.

"The sun goes down, the stars come out, and all that counts is here and now, my universe will never be the same. I'm glad you came," she sang quietly to herself unknowingly to Grant in the room.

I looked behind her trying to hold back a laugh, but failing miserably. She stopped singing, then slowly turned around.

"Wait, what?" She said looking confused until she saw grant.

"Hi" he said grinning.

"Uh, how long have you been here?" She asked, covering her face behind her hands.

"Since the puppy eyes," he smirked.

"You didn't tell me, why Y/n, why?" She asked gritting her teeth.

"I figured you would find out eventually," I smiled.

"Well, I actually have something to do right now so.....and you see that window over there? Yeah, well I gotta exit out of it and never come back," she said quickly, jumping out and just so happened to land in a shrub.

"Well,......that just happened," Nate said trying not to laugh.

"Also I may have recorded the whole thing," I said evilly.

"How?" Grant asked confused.

"Two words, hidden. Cameras," I laughed

Just then the door burst open with Haley standing there with leaves in her hair, honestly she just looked so done with everything. Grant stood there looking really confused, I stifled a laugh, and Nate just completely lost it and was laughing his ass off.

(Kind of like this except she wasn't soaked with water and sewer had leaves I her hair and had some dirt on her)

(Kind of like this except she wasn't soaked with water and sewer had leaves I her hair and had some dirt on her)

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"Don't. Say. It" she said and made her way to her bed.

"Um, Haley? What happened to 'Well, I actually have something to do right now, and you see that window over there? Yeah, well I gotta exit out of it and never come back,'?" I asked laughing. Nate was rolling on the floor at this point.

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