Bye Chloe

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Christi's Pov:

"Bye Chloe Ill see you at the studio tomorrow morning."

"Ok Mam I'll see you tomorrow bye love you." She said

"Bye love you." with that she closed the door behind her.

She was staying at Paige's for the night. I didn't mind her going as they are constantly sleeping over at each other's houses. Me and Kelly both think they should take their mind off dancing for a bit as it is always in their heads. I know they both want to be professional dancers but seriously come on they do need some time away from dance even once or twice a month, even when they aren't at dance they need to just relax for a bit. They eat, sleep and breathe dance. Even when they are on holiday they dance, but as long as Chloe enjoys it I don't mind. The only thing I'm bothered about is when I get in trouble with Abby, Chloe goes lower down the pyramid.

Clara started to shout so I went to see what was wrong, she pointed to her princess puzzle, which I got her for Christmas, there was a piece missing. No puzzle ever lasts long in this house, it gets lost in between dance clothes, makeup, costumes and actual dancing. most of Clara's puzzles gets kicked out the way by Chloe one of her friends. I brought Clara down stairs to see if she wanted to watch some telly. I sat down and patted the sofa for her to sit on but she shook her head at me. She started doing little turns but falling to the floor after one or two. I put on a kid dance show so she could watch. Clara is starting the ALDC soon so she might as well get prepared now. I quickly recorded it for YouTube and started to watch the kids on the screen doing all sorts.

I eventually left Clara and went to make dinner. Clara was happy, Chloe was happy and I was happy. About half an hour later our tea was ready so I called Clara to come to the table. After we had finished I got Clara ready for bed, then let her watch a couple more dance shows. I took her upstairs for bed then got ready for bed myself. I went downstairs again to watch TV. I must of drifted off because when I woke up it was raining. I decided to go upstairs and sleep in my nice, big, comfy bed.

Where's Chloe? Discontinued (Dance Moms Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu