Back at the Studio

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Josh's Pov:

"Josh text everyone to come back here right now!" Abby said to me

"Ok" I said

But before I could they all burst in the door shouting. Sarah was silently following behind Kendall and Nia. I haven't seen Sarah in awhile she used to be in the same classes but then she got a bit bored but she does come occasionally for the odd class.

"CALM DOWN EVERYONE! ONE GROUP AT A TIME! Group A first!" Abby screamed.

"Well we went to the mall and talked to a person that works there." Mom said.

"Wait! Sakinah just text me that someone named Emily saw her. I'll text them to come here." Paige said. She was silently crying so I went over and give my sister a hug.


"Well Sarah!" Kendall said. Everyone turned to look at Sarah.

"Hi everyone. Well earlier today I saw someone carrying Chloe into the back seat of a blue Mercedes. She was asleep."

"What time was this about?" Abby asked quietly

"About 9 'o'clock this morning!" Sarah said

"It's 1'o'clock now so they could be quite far away by!" Paige said while bursting into tears again. I was still next to her so I gave her a hug while everyone else hugged her closed us in. We had a quick group hug before we went back to talking.

"As soon as the police get here each group can tell the police what they found. Ok?" Abby said while everyone nodded.

"GROUP C IT'S OUR TURN!" Abby shouted.

"Well I was looking around when I saw a bundle of clothes and a pair of shoes. I thought it was a person so I started crying but I noticed it was just clothes." Weronika said

"I thought Weronika was Chloe because she was hunched up in a ball rocking back and forth crying."I said

"I then found her bag in a tree." Aniya said.

"I found Chloe's teddy behind the bench" Abby said tearing up "It was the one I gave her, on her first Christmas with the ALDC." She quickly wiped her tear.


"We... we...we found this!" Mackenzie said whilst crying and showing Chloe's favourite top. It was the one that Mackenzie got Chloe for her birthday once. It still fit Chloe as Mackenzie had gotten a really big top. All of a sudden Mackenzie sat down and started rocking back and forth.

"Mackenzie get up darling." Melissa gently said.

"Come on I'll take you outside." Brooke said, picking Mackenzie up and carrying her outside.

It was silent apart from the odd sniff. Suddenly, about 3 police men and 3 police women burst in, with Brooke and Kenzie trailing behind them. A man spoke up

"We need to talk to you..."

15 more votes to continue!!!

Where's Chloe? Discontinued (Dance Moms Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu