Peekaboo, I Understand You

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You were just walking aimlessly throughout the hallways of your school. That's usually what you thought and felt every single day. 'I don't do much. No one really notices me. Everyone has their own groups that they giggle with, and go out with on Friday nights. But I'm just a tad bit of a wallflower.' You thought while staring blankly ahead of yourself, people passing you by like nothing. Life rocked you back and forth, but you didn't mind entirely. In fact, it was soothing not having any real attention on you. Even in your house, you weren't a kid who had issues or a crazy household that you hated. It was just bland and normal to be honest. Your mom was busy with her work, and your dad was abroad for his job, leaving you to silently live your life with your mom. She was definitely your best friend, and you were totally fine with saying that. You'd watch movies together, eat late night McDonald's, scroll through your Instagram feed together and criticize celebrities, and share so many beautiful moments together. Those were the only times you'd really feel happy and worth something, otherwise you'd be at school pokerfacing for the whole day.

Chemistry had just begun, and you sighed at the thought of being trapped in this unusually warm room for about an hour, learning about things that bored you to your core. You jumped slightly at your teacher raising his voice slightly. "Ok 11th I grade listen up, we have a new student. Feel free to introduce yourself dude." He said while patting this absolutely luscious, graceful, stud on the back. "Uh, ok. Hey guys, my name is Jeno and uh.. nice to meet you all." He said while smiling, his eyes somewhat mimicking crescents while doing so. You blinked slowly, supporting your droopy head with your hand which was resting on your empty table. The teacher nodded his head, and the class didn't seem to really care that this totally flawless human being just introduced himself to them. He analyzed the class, to attempt to find a place to sit down, and noticed the vacant spot next to your desk. He made his way to the back of the class, and gave you a look as if to say 'May I sit here?' You nodded your head, and he took a seat. Your heart began to increase its pace slightly, which was weird for you since it beat very slowly usually. "Hey, since you know who I am, why don't you tell me your name?" Jeno whispered while turning to face you. You stuttered, since you hadn't really needed to speak up in so long, since even the teacher's didn't call on you to read or do anything during class. "I-uh.." your voice was raspy, but after clearing it, your feminine cutesy voice reappeared. "My name is Y/N..." you said bashfully while fiddling with our jacket sleeve. He chuckled. "That's a nice name ya got. Also your voice is really cute." He said to you without breaking eye contact. You felt like crying because no one other than your mom would usually tell you something like that, and unfortunately you felt tears start rolling down your plump cheeks. He raised a brow at you, and grabbed ahold of your hand, looking at you sincerely. "You ok?" He asked, concern painted all over his words. 'Shit I look so stupid in front of him now... why is he being so nice to me, and showing me attention...' you thought while wiping your eyes with your index and middle fingers. "Yea I'm ok..." you muttered under your breath, but just enough for him to make out what you said.

Class ended after what seemed like an eternity and you sped walked as fast as you could out of he classroom, only to hear a "hey wait up lol" in the background of hearing your heart exploding through your chest. Jeno caught up to you and stood next to you. You were a little smaller than he was, about up to his nose, which made you feel even more frightened of his behavior. "Hey are you sure you're ok? If you want I can take you to the nurse's office... when I find it cuz you know, I'm new." He chuckled while scratching the back of his head. You couldn't help but shift your eyes to his bicep being flexed by his scratching motion, and feeling even more flustered. You couldn't find words to describe what you were feeling. "I'm ok.. thanks for caring about me Jeno.." you said while looking at him, and flashing him a genuine smile. He gave you a bright one back, his eyes turning into little banana-like crescents, which totes with your heartstrings even more than before. "No problem Y/N. Hey by the way, do you wanna introduce me to your friends?" He said while pulling on both straps of his backpack. You felt so disgusting at that moment. "I um-... don't really have any here. B-but you can come with me and my mom to the cinema, we're gonna watch a movie tonight!" You said excitedly, but realized how ridiculous you sounded. 'Y/N great job on making yourself sound even more retarded than you already looked.' You thought while slowly growing less excited, and more embarrassed. Jeno giggles at you sudden outburst of words, and seemed to understand your situation. "Hey don't worry, my mom is my best friend too." He said while nudging your shoulder playfully, shooting you a wink. "And I don't think I can today... at least with your mom. But I was thinking, what about me and you do something after school? I can be your new friend." He said, still eye-smiling. Your heart hasn't beat this fast since you got a puppy for your birthday ages ago, and you felt so much happier than your usual crappy mood. You nodded your head, a smile on your face. "I'll call my mom and see what she says, but otherwise I'm on board!" You said while smiling. "I still can't get over your voice... it's so adorable." He said while pinching your cheek with his long fingers. You blushed a tiny bit, and you legit never blush, since nothing had ever made you feel flustered like Jeno did just now. "Alright see ya, I gotta get to class now." He said while beginning to walk away, but not before turning his head to shoot you another killer wink. You just stood in the middle of the hall, suddenly feeling sad again. Almost like you had just taken a drug, gotten extremely high, and now was the aftereffect of it all, where everything crashes down and feels like shit again. You waved weakly, mouthing a "Bye", while slugging your bag over your shoulder and heading to your other class.

A/N: Heyyyyy guys this is like my first fanfic that I actually published, since I'd usually write them for my friends and stuff, bu I really hope you like it. Sorry if it's bland af, but that's just how I am as a person lol. I'll try my best to update this every few days cuz I do have school, so like stay the f tuneddddd

Lots of Love,
Doni ♥️♥️💜💜❤️❤️

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