Happy Birthday

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School continued on normally for a while, you and Jeno only growing closer to one another as the year slowly came to an end. I mean you only had about two months of school left, which made you happy to finally almost be able to leave that hell hole. Jeno brought you out of your thoughts by slamming his lunch tray rather abruptly onto the table that you two shared everyday. "You're not eating?" He asked in a somewhat concerned tone, as if to tell you to get up and get something. "Nah it's ok.. I'm not really that hungry." You lied. You got very hungry nowadays, but you purposefully ate less because of what everybody told you. You knew what they meant, you were fat. Jeno saw right through you though, and you kind of forgot that he knew you so well. He could tell when you were excited, sad, depressed, angry, or in this case lying. "Hey. If anyone tells you that you're fat, tell them that I told you to eat. You look better when you're thick." He said while scanning you up and down, giving each curve a glance before blushing intensely after processing what he had just said. You did the same and covered your mouth in disbelief, snickering while looking at him. "Oh my gosh I love you~" you said cutely while poking his cheek. Before you could take your hand away, he grabbed it and brought it close to his face. He touched his face with your hand and hummed in satisfaction. You felt yourself self destruct at how attractive he looked, and you felt like throwing up because he made you fall so hard for him sometimes. "Ok I'm gonna go grab some food I guess!" You exclaimed excitedly while grabbing your money purse.

Jeno POV
'Gosh he's so cute...' I thought as I watched him sway away from me to the lunch line. 'Should I advance on him already? Or maybe it's too early for that and he'll get freaked out.. but then again he seems like he can't resist me, so maybe I should try...' I was taken out of my thoughts by a boy slamming a book down on the table that me and Y/N shared. "Listen, I just saw what you too weirdos were doing and we don't do gay shit at our school, so cut it out fag." He said with his eyebrows raised. I felt anger resonating from my finger tips and I felt like I could remove him from earth right here and now. I stood up and smirked, looking him dead on in the eyes. "What me and Y/N do is none of your fucking business. Prick." I said while turning my head to the side while saying the last part. Just then Y/N came back, holding a lunch tray with a confused look on his face.

Your POV
I came back to the table seeing some douche bag from a grade above me and Jeno standing off at our table, with some people staring at them. "Umm what's going on?" I asked while looking at both of the boys. Jeno looked ticked off, but to be honest it made him look so hot... "Nothing I'm just telling Jeno here that he should stop being so gay with you. Because it's sickening." He said with a hair flip. "Oh sorry I guess.." I said while setting my tray down lightly. The boy smirked and made his way around me, flipping off Jeno, and meeting his group of friends who cheered him on and looked at us weirdly. Jeno looked at me disappointedly, and crossed his arms. "You know the best birthday present would've been... you snapping at that guy." He said with a sigh while sitting down. "You know I'm not tough though..." i also sighed but smiled and picked up my fork, bringing a potato wedge to my mouth. "Can me being cute be my present?" I asked while sticking my tongue out. He smirked at me, "Oh I'm sure that you'll be doing a lot more than just being cute for me." He said while pinching my cheek. "Um ok?" I said confused but ended up shrugging it off.

After school I decided to spend the day with Jeno since it was his birthday today, and I wanted to make him feel super duper cool today! Ew I can't believe I just said that. Anyways, first we went to the park we usually go to and we later down on the now spring grass that was light green and full of life. I sat cross crossed and he laid his head down on my lap while looking up at me. "Hey..." he said not breaking his gaze. "Can I ask you something?" He said in a rather serious and husky voice which made me immediately get chills. "Oh umm sure..." I half moaned due to the way he made me feel all the time. I ran my fingers through his thick black hair and he cleared his throat. "I wanna know, to you, what are we?" He said while suddenly sitting up and facing me. It wasn't intimidating, but I could tell he was genuinely curious and legitimately wanted to know. "Oh umm.. well.." I stuttered immediately getting red and covering my face in embarrassment. He chuckled while scooting closer to me. He grabbed my hands and pulled them away from my face and gave me his signature eye-smile. "What did I say about covering your face?" He said while leaning in and lightly pecking my plump lips. "I wanna see it at all times." He finished. My face probably looked like someone slapped me in the face with cherry Koolaid, because I could tell that I was blushing like crazy.

We stayed in the park a little while longer, and made our way back to Jeno's house once it started to get a little dark. "Can you spend the night?" Jeno suddenly asked me as we approached his front door. "Oh um I don't know.. why?" I asked. He cleared his throat, "I just wanted to spend the night with you, since it's my birthday and all." He said while putting his hands into his pockets. "My parents aren't home either, I don't even think they cared it was my birthday... they just went on their business trip but whatever." He said as if it was nothing, but I could tell he was really hurt. "Sure I can spend the night with you, let me just let my mom know." I said with a little smile while hugging his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me and his chin rest upon my head. I messaged my mom about it, and stepped inside with him awaiting her response...

Little did I know, this night was going to be quite the intense one....

A/N: OMG GUYS I GRADUATE IN LIKE 17 DAYSSS AHH!! Sorry I haven't been posting because I've been focusing soooo much on other things in my life which have been a little hard and frustrating 😔 but I'm glad I made it to update this story. The next update is gonna be a hugeeeee smut filled romp fest like you don't even know 😂😂

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