Play Date(?)

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You got home and ran to your mother who was sprawled on the couch, probably arriving home from work not long before you. "Hey mom do you mind if I go out with a friend today?" You asked while breathing sort of heavily from the run to the living room, yea you're out of shape. Her mouth formed into an 'o' shape as she raised her brows in a 'gurrrlllll whatchu sayyyy' way. "You're gonna go out with a friend? Wow. I mean, of course. What's his name?" She said almost as if she didn't entirely believe you. "Jeno." You said with a smile forming on your lips, blushing a little bit at muttering his name. "Uh-huh.. well I'm definitely not against you having friends, plus it's a break for me tonight. Just be back by like... I don't know, before I go to bed." She said while laying back and preparing to watch an Oprah re-run on tv. You smiled at your mom's cool yet slightly irresponsible parenting, and made your way to change upstairs.

'Oh shit. How do I contact him? I don't even know where to meet him...' you facepalmed while looking at yourself in he mirror. You had a black long sleeved shirt, with a panda in the middle. Along with some tight black skinny jeans (which really outlined your butt pretty well), along with a pair of black high topped converse. You could say that black was your favorite color I guess. You made your way downstairs, and your mom kinda clocked you from afar. "Take a small jacket, it might get colder later on." She said, but you thought nothing of it. You were out the door and didn't exactly what to do next. 'Ok so where the heck do I go now?' You thought as you looked around.

"Boo." You heard something say quite loudly into your ear, causing you to squeal and hold your shoulders in shock. You turned to face a laughing Jeno slapping his knee in amusement. "Heyyyy that wasn't funny.." you said with a sigh. He eye-smiled at you, while rubbing the back of his head. "Hehe.. sorry." He said sincerely. "How did you know where I was anyway?" You asked, confused as to why he was even there. He chuckled and replied, "well to be honest, I just moved in down the street, and I saw you walking home earlier so I memorized your house. Sorry if that's creepy.." he said in an apologetic tone. "N-no... it's not creepy." You said while flashing him a quick smile. 'In fact, it's actually... kinda sweet of him.' You thought. He sighed before looking you in the eyes. "So where do you wanna go? Arcade? Mall? Diner?" He said enthusiastically, getting gradually more excited while naming more options. "Umm i was thinking we could go somewhere a little... quieter.." you said as if you were afraid to hurt his feelings. He calmed down and eye-smiled at you, causing you to melt a little on the inside. "Uh yea sure we can do that. Do you have somewhere in mind?" He asked you while crossing his arms. You pursed your lips in a straight line, and nodded your head. "Follow me~" you said cutely and he grinned at your voice once more.

The two of you walked down the sidewalk in almost complete silence, taking in the quietness of the afternoon and the breezy air that swept past every so often. Jeno kept glancing at you, wondering if he should say something to break the serene bliss until he finally decided to. "Uh, so have you ever had a girlfriend?" He asked you while averting eye contact with you. "No.." you sighed, still looking at the ground. "I don't like girls in that way." You finished your sentence off after a brief delay. He smiled a bit and turned to you. "So... what do you like?" He asked curiously. 'You.' You instantly thought, but realized that this isn't a fantasy land where he'll be in love with you too. "I don't know entirely. I'm just waiting for someone to sweep me off my feet and- eh nevermind that's cringey.." you said realizing how deep you were getting with someone you just met today. He chuckled at your comment and moved a little closer to you. "Don't worry I don't find you cringey." He said to you while winking.  Your heart felt gooey, never before had someone ever made you feel they way Jeno did. You guys arrived to a gated park, and he opened the door, letting you pass through first. What a gentleman. "Whoa this place looks so preppy." He said while looking around like it was a museum. Pastel white benches littered the whole place, with tufts of green grass and small dandelions spread throughout making a beautiful scenery to take in. "Yea." You replied. "I come here a lot with my mom.. it's so empty so I like it." You said while smiling at it all. You felt so calmed by the breeze, this quiet little park, and of course your new friend, Jeno. You felt a hand grasp your own, and you looked down almost immediately. Jeno's hand engulfed yours, since his was by far larger than your own. You looked at him, and saw him staring right back at you. Your face suddenly got hot, but you kept eye contact with him. "Y/N." He said without breaking his gaze. "Y-yea?" You muttered as if in a trance. "Is it me.. that you like?" He said with a tiny eye-smile. You felt your hands get clammy and wondered if he felt it too. You took a gulp and he chuckled. "I was only kidding~ don't worry I'm not like that." He said while letting go of your hand. You instantly felt ten times worse than you felt when he was holding your hand. Your face not only returned to normal temperature, but got colder. His words stung you like a hornet, and you felt teary-eyed. You were greeted with the feeling once again of people not liking you, and thinking of you as nothing. You felt like a wallflower. "Hey are you ok?" He asked while waving a hand in front of your eyes, which were now leaking water. "A-are you crying?" He said suddenly very concerned. "Why do you care... aren't you just joking about this all?" You said defensively while taking a step back from him. He looked at you confused and asked, "what do you mean?" You shook your head and slapped yourself mentally. 'Why did I trust him?? He's just as careless as the rest...'. You felt two arms embrace you at that moment, causing you to open your eyes. "Here take this." He said while lending you his jacket, seeing that you were obviously cold from the chills you were feeling. Maybe you should've listened to your mom about bringing a jacket with you, since she's never really wrong. "N-no... do you mean it?" You asked cutely, while sniffling your nose.He cupped your cheeks with his hands and made you look up at him. "Of course. I'd never hurt you ok? You're safe with me." He said while eye-smiling at you again. You both made your way out of the park and back home, since it was getting sort of dark. He was right strangely, you felt super safe around him, and knew that that wasn't going to change any time soon.

A/N: YAAAAAAS PART TWOOOO... I know nobody really reads this but I hope to the select few who click on this, that you can possibly enjoy/relate to this story is some way shape for form. Anyways lots of love and I'll be back to update soon hopefully

I Just Want to be Loved (NCT Jeno x Shy girly male reader)Where stories live. Discover now