Lemon Party

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"She said yes, it's just that I have to be home early in the morning." I said while staring at my phone, entering his kitchen with him. Contrary to your house, his home seemed a lot more...rich? I guess that's how you could describe it. Redwood floors, alongside marble tiles the color of snow dusted the floors of his home beautifully. The walls had what seemed like trims or gold cascading around the perimeter, and every so often a painting would rest upon it. "You hungry?" He asked you while opening up his fridge. "Um no not really, but I am quite thirsty. Do you have any water?" You asked politely. He smirked at your comment. "Sure." He said while reaching for a bottle in the back of his refrigerator, handing it to you shortly after. You both walked to his couch in the living room and sat there quietly, with the exception of you taking sips of water here and there. "Hey. Since it's your birthday, how about we celebrate?" You asked in almost an inaudible, soft voice. You didn't even make eye contact with him while saying that. "That would be nice.." he said almost mimicking you. You both sat there for a while, again in silence before you moved to get up. A hand grappled your wrist almost immediately, and pulled you back into your seat. "Wh-wha-?" You said perplexed by his sudden behavior. It was like someone had flipped a switch from 0-100. "Where do you think you're going?" He said almost dead serious. His eyes scanned every feature of your face, as his brows furrowed. "To the bathr-." "Too many time have I let people walk out of my life, but today. Today is special. And I'm not going to let you do the same." He said while cutting you off, his voice a little louder than normal. He pushed you down slowly onto the couch, carefully placing his mass over you. He had you pinned, his face inching closer and closer to yours. 'Omg this is like my dream that I had. That dirty wet dream... It felt so real, and now it's actually happening.. what do I even do..' you thought to yourself as time seemed to slow down. "Wait!" You managed to squeak before anything too serious happened. He instantly jolted at the sound and stared you down in confusion. "You don't... want this?" He asked after a brief silence. You stated up at him and furrowed your brows. He sighed and began to get off of you. "I'm sorry. I got out of control, I don't know what I was thinking..." he muttered while standing up and walking over to the kitchen. You whimpered and followed him. "N-no it's not that it's just...I wasn't ready for all of that." You stayed while sitting on the counter. He pulled out some whiskey that his dad stored away, and poured himself some, chugging it down simultaneously. He offered you some, but you knew you were a lightweight. You didn't know what could happen if you took a shot of that, you'd probably start acting mental. "Come onnnnn. Don't be a baby." He gestured while shaking the glass. "You said you wanted to celebrate right?" He raised a brow at you. "I was thinking with maybe..cake? Or poppers or something." You responded shyly. He chuckled, and then took another shot. He then stared you dead in the face, not an emotion to be seen, and said, "Take. The. Drink." You were shook to your core by his tone, he never used a demanding tone towards you before. It was always playful and gentle, but now it was as if he owned you. As if you were his property, an animal on his farm. And you had to do as he said. "P-pardon?" You hiccuped. He smiled at you, putting his hand on your shoulder. "Drink." He said while pouring you a glass. You held it in your hands for a while, whereas he kept downing glasses. You took a baby sip, and winced at the taste that lingered in your mouth shortly after. Then shortly after, you drank the whole thing. Jeno was already on his 7th glass, and you were sure that he was drunk. He smirked at you and it wasn't until you looked at your feet that you noticed he was pitching a tent in his pants. "Oh my goodness.." you said while turning away. He grabbed ahold of your waist and pulled you towards him. "Not act like you don't want it." He growled while spinning you around to where your back was against the kitchen counter. You felt like you were in the middle of some weird, horny tango. "Jeno I don't know what's gotten into y-." Before you could even finish your sentence, his lips torpedoed into yours, causing you to flinch. It reminded you too much of your dream, and it hurt you to say that you felt... turned on. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he positioned his hands around your waist. 'Fuck fuck fuck this is just like my dream. Why is this happening?!?!?' Your mind went wild with thoughts of both confusion and pleasure. He lifted you up onto the counter and rubbed his boner into your thigh. A husky moan escaped his lips, as he began to massage your chest  (again I'm pretty sure I'm growing boobs like someone help). A faint moan escaped your lips, and that was enough to drive him mad. He furiously began to remove articles of clothing from his body. First his shirt, then his pants, until his was just left with flimsy boxers covering him. "Your turn." He said while pressing his forehead against yours. You shivered at the thought of those two words leaving his lips. He shakily began to take off your long sleeved shirt, but he grew more impatient each second. He snapped and began to de-cloth you himself, yanking off everything until you were left in just a thong. His eyes grew wide, and he stared at every speck of your body. Every curve, every beauty mark, every skin cell, all examined by his eyes. "You're...beautiful." He huffed while cracking his knuckles. You blushed, and felt yourself burning up. He attacked your breasts with his mouth causing you to moan rather.. not quietly. Every suck, another squeal escaping your lips. It was like a symphony to his ears. He quickly pulled down his boxers, revealing his member (LMAO my autocorrect corrected 'member' to 'memes' and so I read that sentence as 'revealing his memes' I CANTTT) which resembled a sword at how long and firm it looked, making you gag. He ran out of the room quickly, and returned his a bottle in his hands. You were unaware of what was inside of it, and so you asked "What is that?" He smirked and squirted some liquid onto his fingers, pulling your underwear down. He bent you over the counter and shoved his fingers inside of you, causing you to gasp. 'Oh, it's lube.' You realized now as pleasure overwhelmed your body. He stretched you out and then lubed up his own member. You couldn't see it, but you heard how slimy it sounded as he did it. It kind of grossed you out, but it was Jeno so you were okay with it. You felt the tip of his member grace the surface of your hole, and you bit your lip, refusing to let another moan leave your mouth. "Ready, Y/N? You won't walk tomorrow, I can guarantee that." He said, and like that he was inside you. It happened so fast, and it slid I like water. He began to thrust into you, moans wildly leaving your mouth as you yelled his name out occasionally. He grabbed ahold of your hair and pulled you all the way up, exposing your neck to him. He began to lick it and leave hickies all over it, all while thrusting like there was no tomorrow into you. He gave your tushie a slap, causing you to submissively moan under him. "What's my name?!" He boomed. "J-j- ungghhh-Jeno?!" You could barely make out from the pleasure you felt from his thrusts. He pulled out and flipped you over like a pancake, instantly reentering you and asking you again. "I said.. What's my name?" He now slowed you to a painfully teasing pace, as he positioned his chin in the crook of your neck. He wrapped your legs around his waist as he slowly dipped in and out of you. "J-Jeno?" You whined. "Please go fasterrrrr." You felt dizzy now, and you could tell the alcohol has kicked in. He began to pick up the pace and even began grunting under his breath. You felt his chest as he pounded into you, and it was just like in your dream, hard and firm. He locked lips with you again, smiling into the kiss and you knew that you and him just created an unbreakable bond with one another. "Like that?" He whispered while nearing his climax. "Mhmmmm." You moaned out while closing your eyes, half delirious. You both were getting nearer to your climaxes, until you heard glass break from upstairs. Jeno instantly stopped in his tracks, member still half inside you. "Did you hear that??" He whispered. You nodded your head, half in fear. He helped you off of the counter and threw on his clothes, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna go upstairs and check what it was, you stay down here where its safe. And you know what to do if I'm not downstairs in a minute right?" He said while raising a brow. "Call the police." You replied, earning a thumbs up. You couldn't explain the amount of fear you felt as he cascaded up the stairs into the dark, gloomy corridor...



I Just Want to be Loved (NCT Jeno x Shy girly male reader)Where stories live. Discover now