Reality Hurts

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You woke up in a state of panic and shock, sweat dripping from your forehead. "Was that... a dream?" You asked yourself in disbelief. You shook your head while uncovering your sheets and stretching. Your mom knocked on your door and peeked her head in. "Hey Y/N, your friend called and asked if you wanted to meet him outside today for something." She informed you with a smile. "I need to do stuff for school today, so I won't be home until later tonight. There's some food in the microwave, and if you do go out be careful ok? I love you." She said as she shut your door lightly. "I love you too..." you said feeling quite emotional. Your mom was probably the only person who gave you the time of day, besides apparently Jeno. You smiled as you made your way to the shower to get ready.

You slipped on an oversized hoodie, some shorts that were barely visible due to your hoodie, and some white socks. You dried your head off as you made your way downstairs. Just as you were about to make some cereal, you heard the house phone ring. You answered and a slightly familiar voice began to talk into it. "Hi Y/N's mom, did Y/N say that he'd come outside today? I'm really bored..." you could hear a hint of sadness in his voice. You pursed your lips into a line before responding, "You can come over if you want." It sounded like he was shocked, due to his brief pause, until he stuttered a "o-ok I'll be on my way..". The phone call ended and you put it back on it's stand. Thoughts of the dream you had last night gave you tingles. "What if that becomes a reality?" You asked yourself while getting goosebumps at the thought.

Jeno arrived at your door and you allowed him in, guiding him to the kitchen where you were. "Make yourself at home." You said meekly while sitting down at one of the dining chairs. Jeno presser his hands down on the table, leaning forward a little while eyeing your entire house. It wasn't the biggest house in the world but it certainly wasn't the smallest one ever. "Nice house you got here." He said while nodding his head slowly, still checking out the whole place. "Thanks." You said feeling s little awkward by this environment. At this point you felt like he was more interested in your house than you. "Are you thirsty? Or hungry?" You asked while getting up from your seat and gesturing him to sit down. He gladly took a seat and twiddled his thumbs a little (idk why but that Sabrina Carpenter song is legit playing in my head rn). "Um yea a little bit if you don't mind." He responded while making direct eye contact with you. You felt warm on the inside, he had his ways of doing that to you. You knew you had leftovers in the microwave, but that's like so tacky who does that? Well probably me, but not for this occasion. You pulled out some peanut butter and jelly along with some bread and made him a quick sandwich with a side of milk. He smiled at your generosity and began to dig into the sandwich you made for him. "Sorry if it's simple.." you said feeling slightly shameful of your choice of food to make. He smiled while chewing, "it's great. I actually love simple meals, so I applaud you for knowing me well." He said with a wink after he was done chewing. You felt validated and your heart began to dance around in your chest.

After he finished eating you both just talked about school stuff for a while. It got quiet for a little bit until Jeno broke the silence and met eyes with you. "Hey can I see your room?" You felt overwhelmed by the question, like it was eating you up. You kept thinking of the dream. 'He kissed me... he groped me... his abs...' every thought came to your mind when he asked that simple question to you. "O-ok I guess." You said feeling confused as to if you should actually do this or not. You brought him up the stairs and lead him to your room. There wasn't anything special about it really, it was pretty basic. A bed, a desk, a dresser, and bathroom. He walked around for a little, examining every inch of it, before taking a seat on your bed. You felt very unnerved by his actions, because it felt like deja vous to you. He patted down on the bed, signaling for you to sit next to him and so you did. You felt his eyes looking at your legs, your silky legs that were freshly shaved, which reflected the light off of them due to their shininess. "Listen." He said while turning you towards him and creating a stern eye contact with you. "Y/N I like you. But I think you're taking it in a way that's out of context. See you're like a bro to me." He said with his gummy eye smile. You legit felt like the gravity pushed down on you, and smashed your heart to smithereens. First of all, did he know that I liked him? Was it really that freaking obvious? Secondly, I got bro-zoned, which is by far my least favorite thing to be called by a guy, especially one that I have a huge crush on. You just felt sad. Legitimately sad, not like when you take pictures frowning and write a caption like "I'm legit crying". No, you felt truly sad that those words came out of his mouth so easily. You just looked down, feeling tears forming in your eyes.

Jeno's POV (sorry I don't usually do this lol)
Y/N was acting super strange after I neglectfully spoke those words. I just wanted to see how he'd react, I didn't think he'd have a mental breakdown in his head or something like that. "Hey you ok?" I asked as I kept eyeing his legs. I had to admit, I really wanted to stroke them but something in me was holding me back. I saw a tear fall down his cheek, leaving a soggy trail behind it, and I knew I had gone a little too far. "H-hey I was only joking. No need to take me so seriously sometimes, it's ok I was just pulling your leg." I said while flashing him an eye smile. But he didn't look at me with that cute face of his whenever I eye smiled at him, he just looked at me with a blank, empty face. What did I do...

(Back to your POV)

You felt numb at this point. The fact that he thought that that was a funny joke to slap your knee st and have a goof and a gaff made you feel nauseous. You stared back at him, an remorse was painted all over his face. He looked cute. "It's ok." You muttered while rubbing the tears from your eyes. He leaned forward and embraced your head into his chest. Your eyes were right next to his perfectly chiseled collar bones and you almost had a mini heart attack. "I'm sorry." He said in a serious tone this time, which made you feel more at ease than before. You hugged him back and leaned your body forward so he could embrace you easier. You both sat like that for almost a straight minute, but you never wanted it to end. "Hey, lets go out to the city or something. I wanna do something cool tonight." He said as he parted with you, flexing playfully. Even though he did it jokingly, noticed you staring his biceps down like you wanted them to choke you while he- ya know, grown up stuff. You realized that you stared and closed your eyes in panic. "Y-yea that sounds great! Where to?" You said as your eyes were still glued shut. He chuckled at your cuteness before giving a suggestion. "A restaurant, and afterwards let's go to my favorite place ever." He said with a wink. "Ok!~" you nodded at his suggestion as he crossed his arms and stood up. You both walked to the front door and got ready to embark on the walk to the city which might take like 20 minutes since you didn't live that far away from it. You just agreed with what he said because he clearly was the dominant one in your "relationship", so you didn't want to double cross him anytime soon...

A/N: Hiiiiii guys, this chapter was so emotional like I was spamming Lana Del Rey songs the whole time while writing cuz my mood was legit crappy today. Have you guys ever gotten 'bro' or 'sis' zoned? Cuz I have. Hope you guys enjoyed and I'll update it again probably this weekend!!! Byeeee and Love Doni~~~~ ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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