This story is about girl named lynix. She's part demon. Though her background is pretty dark she's still a pretty normal girl. She has friends, a job and a love for music. Everything has been running smoothly for a good two years. That is untill a...
My friend Tyler came running to me with her lavander hair blowing around her face like some crazy person who just escaped the patted room.(yes Tyler is a girl)
"ow" Ty engulfed me into into her famous bear hug and continued to squeeze my very soul out of my body.
"Um.Ty.Honey..Your killing me." i wheezed through my mouth, full of her colorful hair.
Ty just giggled "im sorry Lynix,I just missed you! You've been gone for two weeks! Do you know how much crap i went through!? For christ sake, i had to deal with liam and scott all by myself!"
I just giggled as i watched ty rant about how i left her all alone with the Gunner boys. ty was the bombshell of the group, she had natural blonde hair that went down to her waste, which she hated,but she has good reason to. Back in middle school, people always made 'dumb blonde' jokes. So to stop the harrasment, Ty started dying her hair all kinds of colors.
A few years back i told her lavander was the best color shes had because it brought out her bright green eyes, now thats the only color she dyes it.
"i mean hell! you didnt even copliment my new outfit!" tylers voice pulled me back to planet Earth.
"whoa." i took in her new outfit and was amazed.
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Her hair was left in its natural loose beach waves with a red knitted beanie . Her make up was done with light pink eye shadow, and a wing sharp enough to kill. Ty's natural plump lips wore a nude lip stick, The entire up do of the make up looked as if it was done by a pro.
Ty was always switching her look, but today she broke her record. Ty, of all people wore a skirt, something that she's never done. her black long sleeve shirt was tucked in , showing off her slim figure. i giggled a bit when i seen that she still wore her black and white converse , they were like her signature look.
"Ty.. i don't know what to say, you look flawless."
"Well duh, didn't you hear? i found my mate!!"
Those words rang in my head so loud, I thought my head would explode. My best friend found her mate, and I wasn't even there to celebrate. I was off training with my aunt in Kentucky. I looked at my gauge covered hands. That was suppose to be a big moment, I was gonna throw her the biggest party ever, to show the new power couple off.
You see when a werewolf meets their mate, it's a really big deal. Now your probably wondering wear werewolves came into to all this. Well you see in grade school Ty seen me without my gauge on, she wasn't scared of me, or the fact that i had black fingers. Ty just simply asked what I was, and I told her I was part demon. At first I thought she was gonna laugh at me, but it turns out she was a werewolf.
That following day she told me all about her world, and I told her all about mine. Since then we've never been a part. There are only four living people who know about me, that being Ty, aunt Bero, Liam, and Scott.
Liam and Scott said they could smell that I wasn't human. The two are from a different pack then tyler, but apparently they have some kind of agreement to get along. I'm not allowed to know the dirty details
"Dammit Lynny ANSWERE me!"
I could feel Ty shaking my shoulders, and it wasn't until then that I realized I was crying.
"I'm so sorry that i wasn't here for you, I promise Ty, I'll make it up to you" I said, trying not to let the self hate, show.
I didn't give her time to respond. I immediately used my powers to teleport myself home, not caring if someone were to see me. I know they didn't, otherwise i would of sensed them.
"I found her sir, what are your orders"
"Wait for the next full moon. I want you to drive her over the edge and make that bitch show everyone what she truly is."
I nodded knowing it went unseen, and started my way to her house, she's the one. After a week of searching i've finally found her. I'm a trained tracker, and some how this 17 year old girl is harder to find then other people of my training.
I was set on this job a week ago and this girl is already a pain in my ass. I honestly cant wait to play with her.
" Before the full moon I want you to toy with her, make her squirm. oh, and don't you dare fuck this up. If you lose her now then 17 years would have been wasted. by some miracle your able to fuck this operation up, you better hope to hell she kills you before I do."
As the line went dead swallowed the lump in my throat and stared at the phone.
"My sweet Lynix, tonight marks the night when your past as finally found you. It's really to bad this will be the last time you ever run from us. Because honestly, I enjoy this little game of cat and mouse."
yaaaaaayyy chapter 2!!! let me know what you guys think!!! oh and aunt bero is pronounced like hero but with a b.