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"Are you sure you wish to attend midday meal? You made it perfectly clear that you wished to avoid the Lord for his entire visit."

"He's the general of all the Day Court's armies" I tell her softly.

She nods her head in understanding, she knows how perfect this is for my plan.

"Well if you ever find yourself in trouble, come my way and tell the gatekeepers that you're a friend of Wilda's" she says with a smile. I give her a small one back.


I watch as Nashira stood up from her seat looking like the fine young female her family had ought to have known she would become. Her skin was as deep as chocolate and even more rich than the treat could ever be. Her hair shown with my care for it, long raven tresses that reach the backs of her knees in soft full curls. With her lean, toned body that still gives way to her developing curves she will be full bodied in the way all males crave. And her eyes, the little pieces of bronze pop and shine looking almost like the sun at sunset. Cauldron help any male who comes her way, she is fierce and wild and beautiful. I hold back tears because this might be the last time I see her, and I go to say some parting words but only drops of blood come out. I look down at my body, even though I hear my little Ira's scream, and see the sword that ran me clean through. And then everything goes black.


"WILDA!" I scream in raw agony. I forget everything except the sword through my beloved nursemaid's chest and her life's blood pouring out. When I look to see who ran her through I breath in sharply at who I see smirking there.


He chuckles and flings Wilda's body off his blade and kicks it. I run forward to her and sob at seeing the hole in her chest spilling out her blood too fast.

"Wilda please, do you hear me? No, no, no you can't die, you can't" I croak. I check her pulse. It's not there. For a moment my whole being was empty of any thoughts or emotions, then I was all consumed by rage. I look up with burning eyes to the one person I might have ever loved other than Wilda and absorb his cocky, satisfied attitude before speaking.


"Oh, don't look at me like that, she would have died anyways once Lord Asim heard about the servants rebelling with the humans to over throw us. Unfortunately, dear father and mother were killed in the uprising and so were our older brothers. Luckily, I managed to recollect the guard and finish them leaving us as the only survivors of our noble family" he declares. His plans seem so well constructed but for one detail.

"Isn't Lord Asim in the house? How will you trick him so easily, he is a general" I say confidently.

He shakes his head and chuckles again.

"He thinks he's going out to meet you in town because you don't want the family finding out about your training" he says. I stare at him blankly.

"You didn't think you could hide your lessons with master from me Lil River did you" he says mockingly. I back away from him seeing how truly menacing he is in this moment, how cruel and cunning he is. But all these years of torment have taught me one thing, survival.

I rush to the corner of my room a grab the real sword I've been given by master. Pulling it out of its scabbard I waste no time in attacking Kapir with all I have. I must admit he was good with a sword and put much strength into his strikes, but he hasn't put as much passion as I into learning the art of the sword. I easily start to overwhelm him and soon have him helplessly backed up to the staircase landing. Any further and he would tumble down the stone, sending himself to his death on one of them. From out in the hall I could hear other struggles taking place, but with an overall atmosphere of control. 

"Where is the bastard who started this harebrained attempt at power?" yells out a strong male voice. That must be the general, who must have finally returned and set right the state of which this house was in. 

Kapir's eyes shone with genuine fear as he understood that the general was currently in pursuit of his head. I saw the exact moment within his brown eyes when he finally broke, like the shattering of his soul.

"I won't be killed by no girl, if I die it's on my terms" he screams. And to his word he killed himself by jumping the decorative stair railing and falling to his death.

I stood there frozen when I hear from below, the deaths of my parents, the brutal deaths of my brothers and even the bloody deaths my sisters befell, confirmed. When I eventually came out of my trance I stumbled back to my room to the corpse I most wanted to see. 

Wilda lay sprawled out on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding her, a vibrant surface for my reflection to show. My once brushed out hair was frazzled and tangled, making it appear to be a chaotic mane around my tear-soaked face. My eyes were hollow, poling out all my emotions through my tears. My rode was drenched with her blood and some was smeared on my face. I looked a fraction of what I felt.

My dear, My dear, My dear

Dry those tears

I sobbed even harder and kneeled beside Wilda as I let the words to her song she sung just for me when I couldn't hold back my tears play out through my mind.

My dear, My dear, My dear

Dry those tears

Rivers have no place

On your face, On your face

My sweet, My sweet, My sweet

Till your sadness goes

You won't be alone

So later on, once again

Be joyous

How can I when I've lost all joy?

A:N: Sorry I'm late again with uploading the next chapter and for that I'll give you guys a double update. Enjoy the next chapter!

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