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"Who's the commander here?".

I turn to look behind me and let another soldier take the spot I vacated. He looks to be one of the Autumn males' apart of the center cavalry. He seems impatient and keeps on scanning the males around me.

"I've taken up the role sir," I say.

He looks at me thankfully without any shock or surprise, but only as an equal, maybe because we're in the middle of a battle. He dismounts and walks toward me.

"What do you mean taken it up?" he asks.

"My commander became indisposed at some point and I took up the role as the second in command was injured early on" I explain.

"Doesn't matter right now anyway. I have orders from General Berkeley that you guys will secure the retreat when the center, then left flank returns to camp".

The male said this with no emotions on his part as he delivers this order and I can't blame him. Our orders are practically suicide, so the bulk of the army can survive. And with Autumn soldiers among us, it's asking for his own people's death, as well. But this was war and people would die. I just wished that our prick of a general could have grown a pair and fought it out, or even take up the role of the suicide squad. But that was me thinking unreasonably in the face of death. I breathe deeply through my nose and let it out in a great sigh.

"What is to be our signal?".

The male had a look of relief and gratitude at my words and I feel sick that I'm accepting this decision to kill the males who are following my command. He tells me that they'll send up a burst of light when they're ready to retreat and then he's back on his steed, racing back to the general no doubt to say the plan is a go. 

My stomach is sick with the guilt and dread for what will happen to these males who are still fighting bravely even through their fear. I curse the enemy soundly and glare hard at them and that's how I saw it. The distortion of a constant spell being cast, one to drain another's natural strength and power. And it's no other than Amaranthe who is the one casting it, seemingly fully concentrated on the spell. 

"Adofo, take charge here!" I yell before putting my desperate plan into action.

Amaranthe no doubt has a barrier around her to keep from anyone winnowing in to stop her.  But I know she doesn't have one that corresponds to the mirror realm, so that's how I ended up above her crashing down on her with a dagger being plunged in her back. She screamed in anger and pain as I quickly winnow away after I did her damage, enough to keep her from continuing the spell. But I felt her piercing look remain after the split second we had faced each other and seen each other's faces.

But my attack did more than restoring our stolen strength but placing fear in the enemies' hearts. With their general down, they lost morale and a single source of leadership. Their ranks became divided with different males taking leadership, with lack of communication between them and the missing reassurance of having their red-haired general, chaos ensued. A complete turnaround of events happened, and it was the loyalists who were on the verge of retreating.

"When this is over, I'll treat you to whatever you want back at camp" Kinsey promised with a huge grin on his face.

I was in euphoria over our victory and smiled back at him. He stumbled a bit and I caught his arm while stabbing a male who went to jab at Kinsey.

"I'll take you up on that. Just know, I eat enough for three people" I said to him before going back to cutting down enemies.


It was deafening the cheers coming from our side over the retreat of our enemy and I joined in hoarsely after yelling for hours on end. Then began the daunting task of looking after our dead. We were lucky to have Autumn Court soldiers present with enough power left to burn the bodies we collected, some battles we weren't even lucky enough to give that final courtesy for soldiers who fought bravely. It was exhausting work and my back ached by the end of it when I was suddenly called to the commander's tent.

Inside were mostly old me waiting for me and rushing fae in the background. I was not happy to see that Jabari also awaited me in the tent, although he looked less arrogant than usual. I looked toward the male who was no doubt, General Berkeley. There were many stories about his feats in battle, but I always saw them as mere acts of brute strength than of cunning and wisdom. He had brown hair and eyes with slightly tanned skin and a protruding belly, but he didn't seem to be completely brainless in my eyes.

"Nashira Shamshir, am I right?" he asked.

"Yes sir" I replied curtly. I just wanted to sleep then eat then sleep some more, not stand here under these males' scrutiny.

"You were called here to review your actions during the battle today". He looked me in the eyes and asked his first question and this is how I knew this was an interrogation. If he was just wanting me to retell today's events, then I could have done after him just asking. 

 "Why did you take over as commander when Jabari was still in command?" he said.  

No, they were definitely interrogating me.

"When I saw the state he was in after the bolt down the center, I knew he was incapable to command the soldiers and that he would bring down morale. Lower than it already was that is".

He looked unimpressed at me, but it didn't seem like he was with either of us.

"Well I have witnesses who tell me that Jabari was indeed quite indisposed at that point," He said, rubbing his beard. I was relieved that I was getting fair treatment from these males showing just how low my expectations of them have become. Before Jabari could even get a word in, Berkeley was speaking again.

"But I'll still have to punish you both" Berkeley declared.

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