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"I bet you slept your way in didn't you bit-" he didn't get to finish his next word because I kicked on his solar plexus and he let me go howling. I rolled upon landing getting up a few meters away from the sergeant and look up to see him rushing at me. I dodge his attempt and back away from him rapidly.

"Sir, stop" I shouted but by that time we had attracted a crowd from his earlier shouting.

"I should have killed you a long time ago" the sergeant snarls again before launching another attack. He seemed to regain his senses enough to attack me with less anger and more control. This as well as the ring of space the crowd entrapped us in, made it even harder for me to stay on the defensive. I couldn't attack a superior officer, or I would be demoted or even kicked out of the army, no matter how much the general likes me, he can't disobey the Court's laws. And I would despise disappointing the general. 

"Get her-Beat her to a pulp-Eat her brains-Get him girl!".

I looked toward the voice I knew to be the general's and saw him in the crowd. I could clearly tell what his orders were. Prove to me where you belong, show your worth here and now, he said through his piercing eyes.

I gave what was barely a nod and, I stopped running. 

In two quick moves, I caught the sergeant's fist and twisted it and the same time as knocking his legs out from under him. I securely had both his arms pinned and was kneeling on his legs in less than a second. I stopped the fight before it even began.

The whole crowd went silent at my quick take down of their superior. Most had hints of fear showing but the cleverest of them came forward. Jabari was the worst of my tormentors, saying the most sexist remarks and doing the most taunting out of anyone else. His smirk was plastered malice on his cruelly handsome face.

"You think you'll survive now girl that you've assaulted your superior officer. You'll be begging for them to even let you lick our swords clean" he says conceitedly. I struggle not to bare my fangs at his implication in disgust because even if I was kicked out I wouldn't stoop so low. My pride wouldn't allow it.

"It's in my understanding though that it was the other way around. That girl is a Scorpion recruit and out ranks him" the general speaks up from his spot looking highly amused. But I can see that he is seconds away from killing someone because I knew him well enough from our discussions and from learning how the general works to understand. He didn't take kindly to discrimination in his own camp.

"Let him go Nashira, he'll keep his tail tucked from now on" General Asim sneers.

I gladly got off of the out of shape sergeant and walked calmly to General Asim with my back to the sergeant. It was the only sign of my anger and the insult I would give him because he didn't deserve much else.

"Sir, I don't understand how Shamshir could be a Scorpion, she hasn't even seen battle yet" Jabari whined to General Asim.

"If that didn't just prove how worthy Shamshir is what would?" General Asim retorted in annoyance. He was losing patience with Jabari and I knew it was time I said something for myself.

"I know my worth and it is not measured by any of you males. If you don't think I will be able to serve our Court adequately, take it up with my sword" I stated confidently to all the soldiers around me and dared, dared, them to challenge me to a duel because there could be no other meaning to my words. They all stood still and looked useless as no one came out to fight me.

"It's not in our place to question any of General Asim's orders, but if there is no proper proof that Shamshir can hold her own amongst the valiant Scorpions, we will worry for our Court" Jabari sniveled. 

"Don't try my patience boy, say what you want to say" General Asim snarled.

"Have her pass a test that we all in the camp will acknowledge as a true show of her strength and worthiness. Don't you agree this will be a fair way of decision" Jabari said.

The crowd who had kept silent in fear, crowed their agreement and even gruesome examples of trials for me to perform. But the loudest to be heard was the worst.

"Make her face the Seaclum!".

Even the General paled along with me at this suggestion, but unluckily it was the trial the majority agreed upon. I got the urge to throw up from the barest memory of that creature, but now they want me to kill without being killed. I didn't let it show, but I was internally shaking with fear.

"Not even a Scorpion would go against that creature" General Asim yelled at them harshly. "Are you going to let your petty emotions go so far to even send her to a death you shouldn't wish against your biggest enemy" he shouted at them with outrage and repulsion in his voice.

Jabari had the sense to say his next words hesitantly but with no lack of conviction. "It's the only way we'll accept it sir".

I can't do this, I don't care it's suicidal. I don't want to experience that sort of pain again, I thought to myself while looking towards the general. He was enraged and seconds from ripping Jabari's throat out, clenching his teeth till I thought they would break.

I can do this. I was startled with the sudden voice inside me that said that with absolute confidence. 

Can I do it? How? Placing it in the mirror realm, but that might not be safe because if I or others traveling in it we might still encounter it. What about trapping it in mountain where it can't escape? If I time it perfectly.... it might just work.

"I just need to kill it" I asked in the silence of the General's rage for his soldiers.

All heads, every, single, pair, of eyes were focused on me. The general's eyes were pleading me not to fall for their tricks and to drop my pride. Jabari's were triumphant, no doubt thinking this was the solution to the long stressed over problem of getting rid of me.

"Kill it and we'll have nothing else to say against you becoming a Scorpion" he says with a despicable, tiny, little grin.

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