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Alfie smiled as he heard you yelling at someone, no doubt surprising your target due to the innocent girly look you had going for you. You stormed into his office and grabbed a pile of papers, smiling sweetly at Alfie as you hurried back to finish telling the worker off.

"You alright darlin'?" Alfie muttered when you returned to put the papers back in their place.

"Yeah, you need any help?" You muttered as he placed a large hand on your waist.

"Nah, but I've got this Shelby bloke coming soon and I need to get everything ready." His brow furrowed as he looked over the papers in front of him.

"Everything's ready for him." You said with a small smile when your boss seemed to physically relax.

"If anyone ever found out how much you help me they'd steal you away." He chuckled.

You smiled and ducked your head to hide the blush that settled in your cheeks, you were dismissed and sent up to the main 'bakery' to check if things were running smoothly. Thirty minutes later you were hurrying through the passageway to Alfie's office to inform him you needed money to buy more stock.

"Alfi... Mr Solomans, sorry I didn't realise you were still busy." You said hurriedly as you skidded to a stop, trying to avoid looking at the curious blue eyed man who watched the exchange between you and Alfie.

"It's all right (Y/N), I'll deal with it once I'm done." Alfie said quickly as he glanced at Thomas.

Alfie watched you leave and turned his full attention back to the Blinder who had yet to look away from the doorway you'd just vacated.

Alfie was never a man to be nervous, but the look in Thomas' eyes had a sickly churning in his gut, he should have sent you home or had some of his men keep you out of sight, why he was having these thoughts running through his head he didn't know but seeing Thomas look at you with such a predatory gaze had him feeling bristled like an angry cat.

"So, are we going to discuss the terms of our deal?" Tommy snapped quickly.

"Yeah, yeah, fire away." Alfie muttered as he let Thomas list off the things he wanted.

It wasn't until your name was brought up that Alfie managed to focus on what was being said, his jaw clenched and his brow furrowed as Thomas asked a few questions about you.

"I don't see what she's got to do with our deal." Alfie grunted.

"Well I've got three Shelby boy back home looking for a wife and she's obviously close to you if you're on first name bases with her." Thomas said quickly.

"Right, well she's never been out of London before and it ain't really up to me now is it?" Alfie said with a dangerous tone to his voice.

When you returned to Alfie's office you found him with his head in his hand and several bottles of alcohol around him. You'd never seen him look like this in your few years of working for him, the look on his face reminded you of a forlorn puppy.

"Are you alright Alfie?" You mumbled as you picked up a few of the bottles.

"Fine, nothin' I can't sort out." He said hurriedly when he looked up at you.

"Ok, well I'm done for the day." You say quickly when he returned to staring at the desk he was staring at.

"I'll have someone walk you home." He stood and hurried to fetch two men each with a shot gun. "Just be careful alright?" He mumbled as he placed his hand low on your back and looked down at you for a few moments.

You nodded and hugged him before hurtling through the corridors so you could get home as quickly as possible. Alfie sunk back into his seat and let his head fall into his hands, for once he was stumped, when he tried to think of a way to keep you from the Shelby's clutches he came up blank.

Despite your spitfire attitude you were still a young woman, the only reason your attitude was feared was due to the few times Alfie had sorted people out, not having the heart to tell you he'd stepped in.

The thought of you alone and married to a Shelby became infuriating and Alfie pushed his chair back as he grabbed his coat and hat, his mind set on catching up with you before you went home.

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