Guy What Takes His Time

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You'd spoken with Alfie a few times. He seemed to take a shine to you and even if he didn't appear, you were watched over. A time you'd been arrested a bribe was given to have your petty theft ignored and the police to escort you home. The next day a basket of food was delivered to your door.

As you prepared for your dance number you wondered what he would think. If he knew you were a burlesque dancer you wondered what he'd do. If it would bother him, or not. You didn't really know why he was so fond of you. It made some of your friends rather nervous while others were quick to recommend taking advantage of it. You weren't sure that was a good idea.

As the time for your dance ticked closer you watched the other girls before you. They danced and their number wrapped up. As they were applauded you spotted a familiar face in the audience. You'd always wondered what he'd think of your current job. Now was the time to see. You were called onto the stage with the second group of dancers. "Good luck. They're some pretty big deals out there." Your friend whispered as she rushed past and jerked her finger to the tabe Alfie was sat at.

You realised he was sat with some people who were well known gang members. Alfie looked like he was entertaining them. Quickly gathering your thoughts you took your place and began to dance.

As you danced in time with the other girls, singing on queue, you avoided looking at Alfie. If you wanted to keep your job you needed to be perfect, the club only wasn't exactly friendly. As your number started coming to the end you twirled into your final spot so you could finish and caught Alfie's eyes.

You couldn't tell if he was dazed or angry. His fist was clenched as he leant on the table, the man beside him seemed unaware that Alfie wasn't paying attention to him, his gaze was intent and you stumbled on your final step. As you left the stage one of the girls you danced with gave you a sympathetic hug. "You were perfect. Don't worry." She whispered.

"Perfect? You were awful out there. Stumbling about! I'm firing you." The owner sneered. You could see how stressed he was.

"Well that's wonderful. I won't have to barter with you." You turned to see it was Alfie who had spoken. Rather than sending Ollie to rescue you, it looked like he had planned to do it himself. "I'm opening my own club and will be needing some dancers. Good pay, safe housing, you can't think of anyone who would want that deal could you?" He was looking at you, ignoring the spluttering owner beside him.

"We would." A gaggle of the dancers gasped. You smiled and shook your heads.

"I think you'll have a whole dancing troupe wit that deal." You answered quickly and he nodded.

"Wonderful. Right then, I'll be off." He muttered before casting a glance at the delighted girl peeking out from the dressing room. "I assume you'll all be able to stay in touch via... (Y/N)?"

He left a chaos in his wake. You had to practically wade through excited girls.

Once you were dressed and had collected you things you headed out the back, pausing for a moment, Ollie was sat in a smart black car humming to himself. "Are you here to give me a ride home?"

"Yes. I am also supposed to ask you to meet with Mr Solomons tomorrow. He was rather angry with your boss. He'll need some help to set up the dancing club." Ollie stuttered out quickly. Considering who he worked for burlesque dancers seemed to knock all the confidence out of him. You smiled as he started to climb out of the car to open the door but you climb in the front with him.

"I'll be there." You muttered and laughed. Now you were more determined than ever to find out what Alfie really wanted from you.

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