The almost affair

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He was obsessed with you. You had yet to inform your husband that one of his enemies was enamoured with you. Alfie Solomons didn't protect his own with taticks. He liked to head in guns blazing to be sure that his message was clear. You don't mess with his business. "What exactly do you want?" You sighed and glared at the man who was smiling at you like a wolf might smile at the sight of its first meal in a long while.

"Just a few drinks Mrs Solomons. We can discuss your husband and how long he should stay breathing." The threat in his tone was unmissable. As long as you met him he would hold off on attacking Alfie. The only problem was keeping him happy with just drinks.

Weeks passed and Alfie suspected nothing. Your 'friend' kept his word and no harm came to Alfie. For a while things went well, until Thomas Shelby caught wind that you were with a mutual enemy of his and questioned Alfie's involvement.

"I don't know what you're on about Shelby." Alfie grunted as he handed him a bottle of whisky and they continued to walk through the brewery. "I made a deal with them a while back and they seemed to shut right up."

"And that doesn't have anything to do with your wife? He involvement with them?" Tommy asked as he tried to figure out if Alfie had married you for a peacekeeping or if something else was in play.

"(Y/N). Nah, She's a bit of a spitfire but nothing like a girl who'd get mixed up in our business. She doesn't exactly agree with what I do in here, let alone the stuff she don't know about." Alfie chuckled nervously before frowning.

The more he thought about he realised he'd hear other rumours about you and one of his enemies hanging about together. He'd been to busy to worry about them and he knew you well enough that he didn't think he needed to pay attention. But if people had reported to Tommy you'd been seen together then perhaps there was something to the whispers.


"You look good tonight." He muttered to you. You scowled, wanting to curl up at home, wait for Alfie and rush to greet him at the door. Instead you were stuck, playing a sweetheart to keep Alfie alive.

Keeping him alive. You repeated like a mantra in your head. You loved Alfie blindly and had no real understanding of his world or care to. The day they'd attacked you at the market, lifting you up and dragging you to the alleyway where your bodyguard lay dead.

'Look what we can do, we could do it to you, or Alfie, anyone.' They'd said. The sight left you unable to sleep and when you did it was Alfie that lay cold and unmoving at your feet.

"We've been doing this for a while, we should go somewhere else." The words hit you like a punch. You'd been lucky to keep these unwanted meetings to a minimum. A few drinks in dimly lit corners of bars that were a little to far from home for your liking.

"I don't think that I can." You mumbled and sipped your drink.

He stared and laughed at you. "Oh, I guess you're done with Alfie? Maybe you can be mine next?" He made you shiver as he spoke. Disgust trembling down your back like water droplets on an animal.

Your head screamed to run, leave, begging for self preservation but your heart screamed much louder that the world is not right without Alfie in it. "Fine." You spat out like a bad taste.

When you hopped off the barstool you collided with familiarity and relief washed over you to see Alfie. Until you took in his hurt and utterly furious face. Then fear and doubt flooded your entire body. "Don't look so surprised sweetheart. You can't keep secrets from me." Alfie muttered to you.

When he stormed out of the bar you ran after him. You feared that he'd leave you with the man who'd hunted you into a corner like a wounded animal. You feared that he'd been gunned down before you could set eyes on him again. But the fear that hurt you the most was that Alfie could very well tell you he was done.

He let you climb into his car, nothing was said as he drove home, even when he notice you checking the mirror and trying to look as if you weren't looking over your shoulder. As soon as you both stepped out of the car it was like something snapped. "I'm not even going to ask why. If you done with me you can leave. Why fight you?"

"Alfie I..." You started to say but he cut you off, begin to argue and shout louder than he had. "Listen to me! They shot him and... and his blood was on my shoes and the bottom of my dress. They told me it could be you and that no one could help. What was I supposed to do?!"

Alfie faltered in his arguing. You sounded like young boys ranting about what they'd seen in the war. The tone made him uneasy. Whatever you'd seen looked like it might well make you sick. "Just... inside." Was all he said as he glanced at the door and saw the housekeeper glaring at you both.


Alfie sighed heavily as the housekeeper pointed him to a room at the back of the house. It was a smaller room and the large fire kept it uncomfortably warm. He watched you for a moment from the doorway. Sat quietly staring at the fire as you thought.

"(Y/N)." He said gently as he sat on the heavy coffee table in front of your seat, setting the ruined clothes the housekeeper had hidden for you. "Why... Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared." You let out quietly. He was unsure if your voice was weak from being near to sobs or that the fear had stolen any volume you could gather. Alfie sighed and sat beside you, using on large hand to hook behind you knee and pull you into him. "I'm so sorry." You whispered over and over as you clung to him.

"This isn't your fault sweetheart. Mine. I... thought I had everything under control and... I thought you were safe." He sighed as you continued to clutch tighter. He'd planned to go to work, gain his revenge, strike fear into anyone who had damaged you. But he couldn't bring himself to leave.

In Alfie's mind you'd been fearless, strong, immovable. But he couldn't just leave when you were shaking and sobbing in his lap, needing him more than you had in the last few months. "Mre Solomons you'll be late." The housekeeper said from the doorway.

"Right. Tell Ollie to bring any paperwork here. Everything else can wait a few days." Alfie said quickly. She smiled and nodded, bustling off to Alfie's office to use the phone. "You promise me (Y/N). You promise that whatever fills your little head you tell me. I don't't care what it is. This is never happening again." Alfie said firmly. He didn't need you to reply. He felt you nod your head against his neck, your whole body relaxed into him and he finally felt that after months things were the way they should be.

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