The Daughter

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"Mr Solomons. Do you know why I've asked you here?" The angry teacher snapped. She had her gray hair pulled back into a bun, dress starched and pressed into perfect place. She made Alfie think of an angry wasp.

"Well I would assume it's about my daughter." Alfie said as he fiddled with his cane. The woman gave him a sharp look.

"We can no longer house hr at this school. She has packed her bags and you must take her home immediately." The woman sucked in a deep breath and sighed as she finished shouting at Alfie as if she'd wanted to do it for a long time.

"I pay good money, why can't she stay?" Alfie said crossly. No one would ever be able to make Alfie think of you badly.

"She was caught selling, cigarettes and alcohol to the girls. We are a prestigious boarding school for girls and I will not have this... behaviour in my school." She snapped, looking Alfie up and down as she spoke. He nodded and stood.

"Very well, we'll leave." He bowed his head and strolled out of the office. When reached his car you were stood next to it, suitcase in hand. Your uniform was a little crumpled and your hair was a mess under the silly hat that was part of your uniform, you had both made jokes about it on the way to the school.

"You've been kicked out." Alfie grumbled as he got in the car. You sat next to him and opened the suitcase, digging through it for a tin can which you held up proudly.

"I made quite a bit of money." You said and showed him that the tin was crammed full.

"I don't see why they've thrown you out, there's much worse things that you could have done." He pointed out. You sighed and shook your head as he pulled out of the schools' carpark. This was the fourth time this month that he'd been called to the school about your behaviour and the third school you'd been thrown out of. No one could tell him that you were at fault at all. But at least you got to return to London.


You laughed as Olly hurted you into Alfie's office. You'd been skipping your lessons with the tutor Alfie hired, pottering around Alfie's brewery and with the business meetings he had coming up he wanted to ensure you were safe and out of the way.

"How was your morning lesson?" Alfie asked as he pointed to a plateful of food for your to eat.

"Fine." You muttered and tucked into the food. Looking up when Alfie raised his eyebrows.

"Really?" He said with a look that made you pause mid bite. "Because I've heard you haven't been to a lesson since I hired the tutor."

Looking at your father you sighed and set down your food. It was clear that yet again you'd be getting out of trouble. There was a look of denial settling over his face. He would blame the tutor and you'd be let of the hook again.

You were tired of it. No boundaries or rules. At least when there were rules they somehow didn't apply to you.

There had to be a tipping point. You wanted to see how far you could push before your father snapped.


"(Y/N)!" Alfie snapped. His frown soften when he saw the armed man around you.

"This your kid? Lucky we didn't shoot her." One of the men grumbled, gripping the collar of your coat and yanking you to your feet as they walked towards Alfie. "If she messes around in our territory again she won't make it back to you in one piece."

"Won't happen again." Alfie said as he gripped your arm and yanked you towards the car.

Glancing around you realised several of the men had guns trained on the two of you. Not a word was exchanged as he drove back home. This was the first time he'd been silent on a car ride. He would offer a snack of to stop off somewhere.

When you arrived home he slowly marched you into the house. He sighed, pacing the room before turning to look at you with a stern glare. You took your time taking off your shoes and coat until you had to finally turn and face him.

"What were you thinking?" He asked as he took a seat and looked down at his hands. "Why would you do something so reckless, you're a good girl."

"I'm not a good girl! Any other father would be at their wits end trying to figure out what to do with me. You just let me do everything and..." You trailed off when Alfie's glare turned furious.

"Oh I am sorry was I supposed to lock you away and never let you out? You could have gotten yourself killed. I don't know what to do with you anymore. I'm just.... Disappointed." He stood up and walked off, not looking back at you or saying anything else.

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