Female Jesse x Romeo: The aftermath

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What was love at this point? I lost Jesse, because of this ugly world, because of people's ugly thoughts, words and actions.. I laid with my arms out on the white tiles in the bathroom, my blood flowed down my right wrist, maybe I could finally stop hurting, I was hit with everything he told me.. All the lies, all the fighting.. All the fiction, we were finally over

"Maybe its better the way Jessica insisted." I stared in disbelief, "I.. Thought you loved me.." he didn't look at me, he stared at his feet, "It hurts Romeo.. My arms, my legs, my back, my head.. It hurts.." I felt my eyes fighting back the unwanted tears, "So that's it? You're just giving up on me. On us? Just like that?" he shook his head, "There isn't any 'Im done, just like that' I've been suffering, for you, for almost a year, I can't do this anymore.. Everyday Im anxious to leave work because I'm always jumped for being with you."  I walked closer to him and held his hands, "I thought we would still care for each other no matter what.." he yanked his hands away, "I think we'll be better off without each other.." I shoved him, my heart, was angry, "You're a god damn liar! You lied to me! You don't love me.. You never did." he tried to touch my face but I smacked his hand, "After what you just said.. Don't even think about touching me with your filthy hands.." he sighed, "Romeo. Hear me out." I walked away from him, "I don't want to hear anything from your mouth anymore, you've broken me, and now your leaving me, to be.. Alone." silence. That was it. Until.
"I've been talking to someone. I want to be with her."

I was no longer in my bathroom, but in a hospital bed, my arm was wrapped up, and I felt everything rush to my head, "Romeo?" a sweet familiar voice asked quietly, "Yes Jessica?" (Aka Female Jesse :>) "Jesse called us, he told us that things went down, and after an argument you rushed in the bathroom and never came out.. Jesse said he left because he didn't want to bother you.. But after awhile he went back to your place and noticed you were still in the bathroom.. He knocked and screamed, but you never answered, he called the police, and now you're on suicide watch, so, I'll be here until I'm told to leave." I covered my face, and sobbed into my hands, "He left me, he told me he had someone else.." she sighed, "If he left without crying for even one second, it means he never really cared. I want you to know that, People are still here, even though he isn't." I looked at her, "I pushed my loved ones away because they didn't like the thought of a bisexual son that had a boyfriend.." she smiled softly, and her eyes shined, "They may not be here, but we're friends now Romeo, I won't leave." and with that, my heart felt better

She climed into the bed next to me and I held her in my arms, it felt normal, and I felt happy, thats all I wanted.. And maybe what I needed the whole time, I wasted a year of my life chasing the wrong person, but maybe, I was at the right place at the right time when I first took Jesse to the hospital, I kissed her forehead, "I think I love you Jessica.." she smiled, "I think I love you too, Romeo."

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