Teenagers scare the living shit out of me (3rd P.O.V)

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Gerard brushed his bright red bangs out of his eyes. "Remind me why I'm here again because," he paused to sip the cheap beer in his hand "it smells like balls and there are too many fucking people."

Mikey shrugged and went back to tapping his long fingers rapidly on his knee. Gerard sighed loudly. And then again when his brother didn't notice. "Mikey Mikey Mikey" finally the blonde boy glanced up

"What the fuck do you want Gee?"

Gerard grinned, glad to have his brothers attention "Can we please leave? You know I hate parties" But Mikey's attention was already on someone else in the room. The same person who he had been watching for the past 20 minutes. Kind of stalker-ish if you asked Gerard, but he wasn't going to complain, he loved his brother even if he was a stalker.

"I'm gonna' uh... um get some ah.... more um.... Beer. yeah get some more beer. That's what I am going to go do. Right now. See?" Mikey stood "Getting more beer" then he turned to the kitchen and ran; leaving Gerard to fend for himself in a sea of young, drunk assholes. Yay.

All sarcasm aside, Gerard really hates parties. All types of social interaction really. But that was just one of his many 'quirks' as Mikey called them. He stood, letting the cliche red solo cup fall onto the carpet. Not my house not my fucking problem. He pushed through the crowd awkwardly avoiding elbows; the front door wasn't close enough.

He stepped outside letting the cold breeze whip his hair around. No one was out here, he was alone. Thank God. Pulling out a cigarette he lit one.

Inhale. I can't believe Mikey dragged me to this fucking party. Exhale. I hate all the people here.

Gerard's phone buzzed:

Mikey: you can go home if you want i fond a riiiiide

Mikey: his nabe is pete

Mikey: ware gonna fuck

Gee cringed, he hated how as soon as texting became involved people became a cluster-fuck of misused words, lack of punctuation, and broken jagged sentences. But that's not the point.

Gerard wanted, needed, to sleep. Watching anime for 16 straight hours fucks with a persons brain. But.... his brother was about to fuck some random dude at a high-school party. Leave. Stay. Yes. No. He bobbed his head back and forth before deciding on the nicest option: find Mikey before he gets an STD or some shit, drag him home, let his drunk ass pass-out on the sofa, get some sleep.

Mikey: plzz plzz let me dew ths

Mikey: ths id the gyu i leik

Mikey: im gay as fujc lol

Mikey: plzz gerdar let me heav hawt butt secs wth pete

Geebear: I'm leaving you here, use protection CALL ME IF YOU NEED A RIDE. DO NOT DRIVE YOURSELF

Geebear: Stay safe Mikes

Mikey: danks ur da best

Mikey: hees get condems

Mikey: godbee gerald and viginagy

Gerard sighed but shoved his phone deep into his pocket. He glanced at his beat-up old car and then at the house were the party was still going strong. No one would notice if he left.

Quietly Gerard slid into the drivers seat and let the familiar rumble of the engine numb his brain.

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