Everybody pay attention to me I got the answer (3rd P.O.V)

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Pete wasn't the biggest asshole Mikey had ever brought home, he was actually semi-okay. Coming from Gerard that was a complement in the highest sense.

"....Tickets, it would be a shame to waste 'em." Pete was saying as Gerard tuned back into the conversation.

"Penecy Prep? Are you serious!?" Mikey yelled in that overly emote way he acted when his boyfriend was around. Not that it's a bad thing, the kid should show more emotions.

Pete gave him a level look. "No, I am not Harry Potters godfather, nor am I a fictional character."

Of course that sent Mikey into a tangent about god knows what, and him and Pete began to talk excitedly about Harry Potter. Good for them.

Gerard kicked a pebble and watched it roll across the sidewalk and into the bike lane. He shrugged, it wasn't his problem. Did he really want to go to the concert Pete had invited him to?  No. Would he go? If it made Mikey happy, yes.

Not that he could change his mind now, the were walking to the venue at this very moment. This band was going to suck donkey balls and Gee knew it. It was going to be some whiny boy band trying to be 'punk' because they thought it was cool; if they were semi-decent then Gerard would have heard of them by now.

They rounded another street corner and where met by a thick crush of bodies. Fucking hell.

The line reached from the front entrance around the block and trickled into various shops. Fans of Penecy trying to pass the time.

Gerard sighed, there was nothing he could do know, except wait


The band wasn't half bad, as much as he hated to admit it, they were OK. Sort-of. In their own way.

The singer was hot as fuck though. I mean hotter-than-Hell-in-the-summer hot, not like I-have-no-life-outside-of-this-boy-band hot.

And he smiled at Gerard. Smiled. At. Gerard. Specifically Gerard. And it wasn't an accidental looking out into the crowd smile. It happened multiple times. And now look at were he was; standing behind some girl with orange-pink hair was talking to the singer. Frank.

Frank Iero was such a beautiful name...

"Thanks bye!" she called as she moved out of line. It was Gerard's turn to meet Frank Iero.

"Hi! I'm Frank, you were out in the mosh pit right?"

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