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"Mom... did you eat my honey bun?" Mariah asked, closing the pantry.

"... Um, maybe?" Her mother answered sheepishly. "I'm sorry, girly, I'll buy more next weekend."

Mariah sighed and grabbed a bowl instead, filling it with cereal. It was after 7pm, but food is food. She took her bowl and sat on the living room couch next to her mother. Ms. Michelle Villa would usually come home later from work, however she managed to get off early tonight. This was one of those now rare moments where the two of them were together for a night.

"What are we watching?" Mariah asked, eating a spoonful of her cereal.

Her mother shrugged. "Some movie about three talking squirrels. A comedy I assume."

Mariah laughed. "Ha, I've seen this! It's hilarious! By the way, how was work?"

"Eh, same old same old. I'm getting by. What about you? How was your day, girly?"

Mariah shrugged, a habit she got from the woman next to her. "Nothing really... Well, I did go to the palace again earlier today..."

"I still find it hard to believe you're actually friends with Princess Isabella." Michelle said with a shake of her head.

"It's true." Mariah said, rolling her eyes. "... At least I think we're friends. She seems to think so at least. And I think we could be... maybe."

Before Michelle could reply to her comment, a loud alert flashed on the tv, interrupting their movie. "Ugh, it's probably a weather alert, I saw the storm clouds rolling in on my way home." She tried to change the channel, but as she flipped through them she found that every single one of them were flashing "NATIONAL ALERT" across the screen.

"Wait, mom, look." Mariah said, pointing to the screen as a man in a black suit and tie appeared. It was a news anchorman from RCNB (Reborn City News Broadcast). He stayed silent as the national anthem played for a minute and spoke as it ended.

"This is RCNB interrupting your program for an important announcement. The Pyramid Palace has just announced that King Eric Croft and Queen Danielle Croft were attacked and killed in Nassa Thursday night."

Mariah coughed and almost choked on her food. "What?!"

Her mother shushed her as the man continued. "We now take you live to the Palace Press Conference with more details."

The screen blacked out for a moment before it came back, showing a podium with the royal flag behind it. The two Navaria flags on either side were lowered at half mast. Finally, the Minister of State stepped up to the stand. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of Navaria. As you just heard, our King, Eric Croft, and our Queen Danielle Croft, have been killed. They were attacked in Nassa late Thursday night and the news only arrived to the Palace earlier today. At this time we do not know who their attackers were, but Navaria Special Police are using all available resources to find and bring to justice those involved. We will update you all as information becomes more available.

"At this time, I present your Queen, Isabella Croft."

"Queen?!" Mariah exclaimed, her mouth agape in shock as Isabella herself stepped up to the podium. Her sisters followed and stood on her right, all four standing perfectly straight, poised, and silent. They were all in a simple, black dress.

"Good evening, people of Navaria. It is true, my father and mother, your King and Queen, have died. Killed before their time. I'm sure you all have many questions, as do I, but unfortunately I don't have all the answers yet. But I can answer one question I'm sure is on everyone's mind. Why am I suddenly Queen? I can say that I am just as surprised as all of you. You should know, my father held many secrets, as all leaders do. One such secret..." Isabella paused, taking a breath. Mariah realized she was holding her breath and released it. She could see in Isabella's eyes, even through the tv screen, that she was struggling to speak. But like any good princess, or queen actually, she hid it well.

The pause lasted only a second, though it felt much longer to Mariah, before Isabella continued. "... My father was not a perfect man. My brother, Prince Vincent, is my half brother. He was born of another woman, meaning he is not... legally eligible for the Crown. King Eric was not perfect, but he was a good man, I'm sure you all know this. From what I've recently learned he was deeply ashamed of what he did but he could not allow his son to be cast off, no matter who his birth mother was. My own mother, Queen Danielle, forgave him, and raised my brother like he was her own child. Vincent is and always will be our brother... but the Constitution of this kingdom is clear on the passing of the Crown and our father knew this."

"I suppose my father always meant to tell me and my siblings about this, or perhaps he planned to work to change this law. I am not sure. All I know is that today I woke up a simple Princess of Navaria... and now I am it's Queen..."

Mariah couldn't help but feel... hurt? Does this mean I won't get to see her again? She thought to herself but then immediately shoved it away. No, Isabella is clearly stressed with this, she just lost her parents. Whatever she's feeling is much worse than anything I feel...

Isabella continued, looking directly at the camera. "I promise you all this. From this day until my last, I will serve, protect, and defend the people of this great land to the best of my ability. I, as well as the rest of House Croft, live to serve all of you for as long as you so wish. Thank you, and may the Gods bless you all."

With that, Isabella and her sisters walked off the stand, the national anthem playing again with an image of both the King and Queen displayed on screen. Once the anthem was done the broadcast cut out.

"... what just happened?" Mariah said out loud.

Her mother sighed and shook her head. "The King is dead... long live the Queen." She said, repeating the old saying used for many centuries.

"... Long live the Queen." Mariah repeated in a whisper.

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