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My phone is ringing... why is my phone ringing? It's too earlyyyy! Mariah thought to herself as she clumsily reached for her cell phone. Without looking at who it was she answered in a slightly annoyed tone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Mariah!" It was Rebecca... why is she calling?

"Uh, hey, Rebecca... what's up?"

"Wellllll, we planned to go shopping remember?"

Oh she remembered... but Mariah honestly thought that was over, seeing as Isabella must be even busier now.

Seemingly reading her mind, Rebecca said, "I know what you're thinking, Isabella is... busy now. But she told me she still wants me to help you find a dress. You do plan to still come right? She really wants you there."

Mariah groaned, she was really laying it on thick. Of course Isabella wants her there, and Mariah definitely wanted to be with her... as a friend of course. Yeah. "Um, yes, I do still plan to go."

"Great! I'll pick you up in an hour. What's your address?"

"224 Elma Avenue. I'll, uh, get ready."

"See you soon!" With that Rebecca hung up, leaving Mariah to groan into her pillow in frustration.

• • •

Isabella stood in the middle of her study, her hands nervously interlocked in front of her. She once again straightened her dress, making sure it was straight and looked good. The Mayor of Reborn City and the Governor of Almia would be here soon and it was making her nervous. The first two state officials to visit her, she wanted to make a good first impression.

There was a knock before Fenway opened the door. "Your Majesty, Governor Pier and Mayor Fablewood have arrived."

Isabella cleared her throat and stood straighter, holding her hands relaxed in front of her. "Show them in."

Disappearing for a moment then returning, Fenway opened the door fully, letting in two men. "I present Governor Pier and Mayor Fablewood, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, Ser Fenway."

With a nod, he closed the door, leaving them alone.

Governor Thomas Pier was the first to speak. "Governor Pier at your service, my Queen." He delicately took hold of her hand and kissed her knuckles. Pier was an elder gentleman, at least in his late 60s, and had served in public office for decades. He was now in his second term as Governor for the Province of Almia and the people loved him.

Isabella gave him a kind smile. "Pleasure to meet you, Governor."

"We are both so sorry for your father's death, our late King." Mayor Gregory Fablewood said, kissing her hand as well. Gregory was a member of House Fablewood, one of the eight great houses of Navaria. The Fablewoods were one of House Croft's closest allies, as they have been for a century.

"We appreciate your condolences, Mayor." She gestured to the chairs in front of her desk. "Please, have a seat."

"We, uh, wanted to discuss the funeral of your father." Pier said as he slowly lowered himself into a seat.

Isabella sat in her chair, fingers interlocked and resting on her desk. "What is there to discuss?" Her voice lowered, signaling her displeasure.

"You see, ma'am, we are aware that your family always holds private funerals and burials... but every since the news broke of your father's death, the people have been very vocal about having a... public funeral."

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