Fight pain with more pain

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Sorry I haven't been able to update I'm in the process of moving out and my parents are getting divorced because my dad is an emotionally abusive asshole who I never want to see, my boyfriend also broke up with me and I can't bring my dog to the new apartment because it has a 30 lb pet weight limit. Also because writers block and all my fuvking dePRESSION AHHH depression is a stupid cunt I want to knee it in the fucking face and stomp it into the pavement.

Keith's P.O.V

Apparently they had my old Dagger thing that someone gave me when I was a child. They put it in my room. I took a while before grabbing it and heading to Shiro's room. Coran walked behind me. Even though it's really annoying I said nothing.

The ship rocked a bit as I tripped over something and tumbled a bit. When I came to a stop my knife wasn't in my hand. I looked down at my prosthetic leg and saw my knife jabbing into it. I felt electricity coursing through me. It felt like someone had struck me with ten lightning bolts but at the same time I felt nothing.

No P.O.V

Keith let out a gut wrenching scream and Coran reacted by screaming in fright. Alarms were blaring and there seemed to be no end to the electricity even after Keith had passed out. Coran didn't dare try to pick him up because he would surely get electrocuted. Coran thought Keith would surely be fine until he got back so he ran to the control room and put up the barriers and started the defense programs.

"Intruder on board intruder on board" the alarm blared. Coran started running as fast as he could to get back to Keith "how could I have left him alone like that?" He thought. Once he got to the scene where he had left Keith he found a Glaran woman cradling his head in her lap "what have you done to my sons leg?"

Suddenly the attack alarms stopped blaring meaning the attack had ended. The paladins were walking back in heading to their rooms when they stumbled upon the scene. Allura looked ready to charge at her once Coran gave the word but Coran just shook his head "we didn't do anything to his leg. I promise we haven't hurt even a hair on his head. Well not intentionally that is. Just let me take him to a healing pod and he'll be fine."

Coran slowly walked closer but was stopped again. "You will not lay a hand on my son." She stood up holding Keith in her arms. "I will carry him. You just direct me where to go and no more." Coran nodded in agreement and showed her to the healing pods where she placed Keith.

"Your name is Coran, correct? Keith told me about you. And all of you as well." She spoke looking towards the Paladins. "Wait hold on, you were the tall lady Keith was fighting with during the battle?" Shiro questioned and was answered "yes. I'm Korila, Keith's mom. He was getting sloppy in the fight and I moved on ahead without realizing he wasn't following. I've been trying to track down and retrieve him for almost half of one human year. Now, care to tell me how you managed to find him without even looking for him? Or why you weren't looking for him in the first place? or how your galra ruler friend didn't even know one of his factions had him?"

Everyone looked at Lotor "he must have been in a faction that still does gladiator pits, they strayed from the kingdom and I can't control them."

"Guys what about Keith's leg?" Hunk asked and there was two voices both immediately saying "I'll fix it." Pidge and Korila looked at each other. "I'll help too if I can." Hunk mentioned. "Fine. But we should remove it while he's still knocked out." Everyone looked at Korila.

"What? Do you not know how to remove prosthetics? Okay just get him out and set him on the floor and I'll remove it you can watch if you'd like to learn. Get me a needle, the button is small and tucked in so it doesn't randomly pop off." Korila instructed and they did as they were told when told to do so. It looked so simple and quick how she detached it. They quickly put Keith back in the pod.

He had purple marks like lightning across his skin; around his back was like the main bolt the rest formed off on its own like tree branches, the lines were thick like the mark on his cheek, lighting marks striking to the backs of his hands, it didn't seem to effect his chest or stomach much though no one could see, the bolts were straight lines only, never curving, never the same length. The other side of his face now had a strike across it like the other side, his galran features had seemed to vanish too. But that's not something most had noticed. They went off to observe the leg being fixed.

Shiro was left there sitting in front of the pod looking up at Keith's new features. "You look like a skeleton." He spoke wishing Keith could say something to respond. "You look almost like the time we met. You look worse than you did back then though. No offense of course, just the malnourishment seems worse. You were so scared then. But you were so brave, just like you are now." Shiro put his human hand to the glass.

"Could I hear some more about it?" Shiro was caught off guard by the voice and looked where it came from. "Oh. It's Korila right?" She nodded and he continued "I guess I can tell you while he's asleep... he never liked talking about it."

"So tell me." Korila spoke.

Fight Pain With More Pain (Voltron: Legendary Defenders) Keith Angst (Sheith)Where stories live. Discover now