Ancestry Part 2*

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(Vienna. November 2nd, 1943)

    "I'm sorry. What?" My brain was spinning, my heart was racing, and I was deeply confused. Alexander gives a short chuckle at the confusion on my face before clearing his throat again. "Your father passed, before he could explain your family history to you. Now it falls upon me, to explain it to you." His face grows somber with his words. "You must listen carefully to me Vienna. It will be confusing, and very overwhelming, but I promise that it will answer all your questions." I nod my head slowly at his words, my mouth becoming dry, and eyes growing wide in fear. I gulp nervously and take tentative sips of my tea. Alexander clears his throat once more, setting his tea on the table in front of us, and takes a deep breath. 

    "Everyone knows the tales of the Great King Arthur, Merlin the Prince of Enchanters, and the Dark Witch Morgan le Fay. Their legacies live in both the wizarding world and the world of Muggles. Their stories have passed from generation to generation, the battles, the quests, the magic, and the treachery. Only our family, a long line of sons, knows the true story." My face scrunches up in confusion, but I hold my tongue. "Most of the legends of the fall of the Great King Arthur are true, and the rain of terror of Morgan le Fay is also true. But once upon a time, Arthur, Merlin, and Morgan were all friends. Arthur and Morgan shared a mother, unbeknownst to Morgan, Merlin only knowing the truth of her lineage, and played the part of the King's Ward to Arthur's father. As she grew, her powers came to her, in a time where magic was found to be deadly and ended in execution. But she found solace in Merlin, they both attended Hogwarts together being taught by the Founders themselves, and coincidentally they were both in Slytherin. Once they left Hogwarts, their friendship continued, and Merlin and Morgan grew into something more." Alexander's eyes turn to those of sadness, and I find myself holding my breath. 

     "A great prophecy was spoken, one holding the fall of King Arthur, and the dark times ahead. A child, would be born with powerful magic, with family ties to the King himself. It was months after the prophecy was spoken, when Morgan found she was with child, Merlin's child, and Merlin confronted Morgan with the news, fearing for the future King's life, he poisoned Morgan but she survived. Morgan fled with her unborn baby, feeling betrayed and heartbroken. After giving birth to her son, Mordred was raised by the druids, for his own protection, and never knew of the prophecy spoken. Morgan began attacking the castle, trying to reclaim her right to the throne of Avalon and ensuring her sons life, successfully killing Arthur's father in the process. She became the greatest enemy of Merlin, her once former lover and best friend. Mordred in the meantime, took matters into his own hands, being both from light and darkness, he tried killing his mother, thinking he can be saved from his terrible fate, and he returned to Camelot and became a trusted Knight. While there, he watched his love be executed by his uncle the King, and felt his views change. Mordred wanted revenge, returning to his mother, and became a traitor. He hid under the nose of the King and his father, waiting for the opportune moment to avenge both his love and his mother. It was the Battle of Camlann, an army of Anglo-Saxons led by Morgan, and Mordred still playing the part of Knight. Merlin brought down the Saxons but Mordred had already attacked Arthur, fatally wounding the King. Arthur killed his nephew and was taken by Merlin to the nearby forest for help. There Morgan attempted to finally kill the Great Merlin, her once lover and friend, but failed, and was struck down by Merlin himself." 

    I found a great sadness filling me along with the growing confusion at his words. "You are a descendant of Morgan le Fay and the Great Merlin himself. Mordred produced two sons before he died, and that is where you come from. That pendant was given to Morgan by Merlin himself, as a gift once long ago, and after killing her he gave it to his grand children." My hand was grasped tightly around the pendant on my neck, and tears sprang to my eyes. "Why would he do that?" I ask, letting the tears fall from my eyes and my head spinning. "Because Merlin did love Morgan, he did love his son, but he had twisted loyalty with family. After the death of Morgan and Arthur, he went on to create the Order of Merlin, and he spent the rest of his days trying to escape the guilt and loss." I nodded in understanding at his words. "Merlin was born of the druids, who could create magic without the use of a wand, which is why you can perform it. You have old magic flowing through your veins, and you've come back to a time where that magic is still performed, hence why it is appearing now." He explains carefully, slowing my swirling thoughts. "Merlin was the one who put the Giant Squid in the lake, wasn't he?" I asked Albus, who had been listening intently to Alexander's story. "Yes he was." He finally says, sending me a small smile. "There's more isn't there?" I was looking to Alexander again, who nodded at my words, and gestured for him to continue. 

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