Q&A Part 3

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1) PearlLove16

asked Septimus: 'Where did you go? You basically fell off the face of the earth. Will you be a big part of the next book?'

Septimus: *appearing from underneath a table in the far depths of the Room of Requirement* "Don't you worry! I'm still here and yes I'll be a big part of the next book! Thanks for the questions and for remembering I still exist!" *glares at Sam as he disappears back underneath the table.*

2) The rest of these questions comes from the lovely Coco on Quotev: 

a) (to all of you): what songs do you guys think fit every single one of you and the author?

     Sam: "I'm just going to make you a nice list!"

Past Tom Marvolo Riddle: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (cuz it's funny & ironic)
Future Tom Marvolo Riddle: I Found by Amber Run
Vienna Marcus: I'll be Okay by Nothing More
Olivia Matthews: Island by Svrcina
Abraxas Malfoy: Live Like Legends by Ruelle
Albus Dumbledore: Heal by Tom Odell
Gellert Grindelwald: Dark Side by Bishop Briggs
Neville Longbottom: When It's All Over by Raign
Septimus Weasley: Already Gone by Sleeping At Last
Sam: Dark of You by Breaking Benjamin

b) What is your fav food?

     Sam: "Spaghetti at 150%"

c) what do you think about Marry Higgins Clark's oeuvres and Where do you place it in the echelle of crime books? who is the most qualified in bringing suspense Agatha Christie or M.H.Clarks? ( to the half-bloods, muggles, and open-minded pureblood)  

     Sam: "We've got no idea because none of us have read anything. We don't know how to read. But, we're going to learn!" *Past Tom in the background trying to memorize his A, B, C's.*

d)  What is the best quality in a person character ever and what is the worst?

     Sam: "Personality for both best and worst. Sometimes a person's personality is the best thing about them i.e. they're fun and loveable and own up to their mistakes. Sometimes a person's personality is the worst thing about them i.e. they're rude and manipulative and a general ass. I'm not one to judge on looks, instead, I'm one to judge on personality. " 

e)  so ....who's the sassiest? ;)

    Sam: "I am the sassiest because they're all in my head. Therefore, I win all the prizes!"
    Vienna: "Sam's got a little bit of a God complex."
    Past Tom: "A little bit?!"
    Vienna: "Alright, Sam's got a major God complex." 

f)  What is the best comeback to someone who says 'awww so pathetic to see you work when I know you will fail!'

    Past Tom: "Murder."
    Vienna: "Tom no!"
    Future Tom: "Tom yes!" 
"Honestly, ignore them. They are not worth your time or effort. Best thing I can say is: PROVE THEM WRONG! YOU GOT THIS! I BELIEVE IN YOU!" 

g) How to hurt someone without being caught or touch them? ( to the dark young past lord ) : *whisper* where to hide the corpse?  

    Sam: *grabbing Past Tom and preventing him from pulling out his detailed maps on where to hide corpses* "Don't hurt anybody! If someone's giving you issues then ignore them. Send em' on over to me and I'll beat them up!" 


     The Whole Entire Riddle's Plea Family including Sam: "YES!" 

I'd like to thank every single one of you for your questions! This was a lot of fun for me and I hope you enjoyed the answers! Now, for the big announcement: 


Y'all said you'd be interested in a Spin-Off, featuring Fred and Vienna of course, and Guess What???!!


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Before the Plea will be debuting Friday, November 30th, 2018 and is focused solely on Team Frienna. Keep a look out for it!!!

Love always,

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