🔪Chapter 14🔪

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"Maxx's POV"
"Cody and we go and hangout somewhere in the city? Feels like forever since we did it" I asked Cody while I was petting Pistol "Sure Maxx it will be fun, where do you wanna go?" He asked and smiled "we and walk in the park? I don't know" I said and laughed a bit, he laughed a bit too. "Maybe we can go to a theme park?" He asked "that sounds cool" I said and hugged pistol a little then let her go "caaaaaaaaan weee please goo?" I asked like a child, he laughed a bit and nodded "sure Maxx" he said and laughed a bit more and I laughed a bit too. I sat in the car and waited to Cody to come out of the house, when he finally got out of the house and locked the door. I started the car while Cody opened the car door and sat in. "You got everything you need?" I asked, he nodded. I started to drive the car down the nearest theme park. "Oookay we are here" I said and walked out of the car. Me and Cody walked in to the theme park and talk a bit "wow look at that sun shine!" I said and took Cody's and and ran to the end of the bright, I took my hand away from Cody's hand. "Wow wow call down there Maxx" he said and giggle a bit, I dident care I just stared at the sunset. "Maxx Come now, we should have some fun too! Not just stare at the sunset" he said and took his hand on my shoulder. "Hm what? Oh yea, I got kinda lost" I said and laughed. We walked away from the edge to cafe near by all the stalls were you could win prizes. "We can try and win som prizes after we have ate" I said and looked at Cody, he nodded and then took a picture and tweet it. "Okay your turn" he said as we both tried to not laughed "aah damnit" I said and laughed a bit more, after some minutes trying to win a cat plushy Cody finally won the prize "haha yees!" He said as we both laughed a bit more. "Mabye we should head home now it's late" I said and looked at the clock "sure" he said. We started to walk to our car. When we were walking someone hit us in the head and laughed a bit "you guys thought you were safe" was the last thing I heard befor I blacked out.
*Cody's POV*
My hands was tied up to a wall when I woke up, I was kinda scared but not really. After some minutes I realized that I wasn't with Maxx, the room was grey like stone, the floor was made of carpet, weird. I heard a door open, a man with black clothes and a mask on his face. "Don't worry, your friend will be back soon" he said with a dark voice, he untied my hands from the wall and walked up the stairs again. I stood up from the room and looked around a bit, there was a fridge there and a water dispenser, two white beds and a TV. I looked for my phone in my pocket, when I got it I tried to open it but it was out of power. "Ugh What should I do now?" I said to myself trying to come up with something, I sat down on the bed until a doo opend and a the man again holding Maxx. He sat Maxx down on the carpet floor, then walked over to me and sat a electric collar on me, then walked upstairs again. I ran to where Maxx was laying, Maxx got cutes everywhere and had the same collar that me, I tried to take it off him but I couldn't. I tried too wake up Maxx but he dident move, then I lifted him up and carried him to the bed, i noticed it was a door beside of my bed and I opened it. It was a bath room, I when in and got some towels and covered up where Maxx was bleeding. After some minutes I took Maxx's phone, luckily it had power "yes it's 80%" I said and opened the phone, and Texted Zach
"-me- hey Zach I need help, we got kiddnapped again I think, I don't know what he did to Maxx but he's okay. -Cody" I texted and waited for answer, suddenly the door opened again, I took Maxx phone back in his pocket. "Your turn, singer" he said and grabbed my arm, I tried to get him off but he shocked me "try again and I'll shock Maxx'' he threatened, I got quite and just followed him to a room, it was knives,wipes, and other stuff. He took my collar of and put me in a dog cage. "What are you ganna do to me? What have you done to Maxx?" I asked desperately, he dident answer as he walked out of the room. Some minutes later he came back with Maxx's collar in his hand. "Your buddy Maxx are worried about you" he laughed and took me out of the dog cage, and tied my hands on the wall, then my feet's.

Hey'o peeps, what a cliffhanger I'm giving you here! Sorry! Ok bai!

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