Chapter 38

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Okay hello yes it's me how's going? Well I'm just gonna say that I'm not gonna add anymore emojis on my title because it's always turns into question-marks, okay bye
*Sam's POV*
I may have pushed my friends to much, I did only think of Dan and not my other friends. Cody was still crying and Maxx is still in his sleep, I'm lost please help me. I can see the house but I can't hold him any longer now "Cody I can see the house but I can't carry Maxx anymore, can you please? I'll go and run to the house and get Dan to help" I said and stopped in front of him. Cody took care of Maxx/carried him while I ran to the house "Dan! Open please!" I said knocking the door, it took some time until he opened "Dan can you fix a bed for Maxx fast?" I asked hurrying as I hugged him "sure but why?" He asked as I followed him in "he'" I said surprisingly he understood and said Maxx could rest on the couch, I said thanks and ran to Cody "come Cody, Maxx can rest on the couch" I said helping Cody carrying Maxx since Cody were losing grip on Maxx.

*Maxx's POV*
"Well It has happened to him before once but that was like one year ago" was the thing Cody said when I opened my eyes, I don't exactly know what happened to me but the only thing that I actually remember was that it got dark. "Thank god you are okay Maxx!" Sam said hugging me "something bad happened while I was sleeping or knocked out?" I asked then as I sat up "well not a long story Maxx" Cody said and gave me a glass of water. But I'm still confused why is this happening to us (me & Cody) it wasn't like this before when well when I was actually happy........ maybe that's it?
"Guys you two are not safe here, Matthias found you" Dan said rushing and since I didn't have anything important here I could just leave but Cody didn't want to leave Sam or Dan. They have actually now become best friends it was awesome but sad at the same time "Cody you have to go with Maxx, it's not save here" Sam said with tears in his eyes. We hugged for the last time then I and Cody ran away from them and never looked back.
"Maxx can we take a break" Cody said to me and I was surprised since I was the one that wanted breaks and stuff, I just nod so we when to the nearest Starbucks. "May I take your orders?" Said the waiter and opened their book "could I get a glass of water please" Cody said and asked me if I wanted too, I nod and the waiter wrote it down "okay your two glass of water comes right away sir" the waiter said and walked to the kitchen "Maxx your so quite, is there something you have on your mind?" Cody asked and put is hand on mine. I looked up at his eyes, his crystal blue eyes were lighting up I wanted to say something but my mouth was shut I took my hands on my lap and stayed quite I felt depressed but also warm and safe, I was sad that I couldn't talk to Cody right now "here's your waters sir, anything else you need?" The waiter said and gave us it Cody said no and thanks to the waiter.

I may be taking some day of because of depression, and I have to set up my room and stuff.

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