Chapter 11: FAQ - Still got questions?

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Still got questions? We will try to answer them here. Ask away if something was yet to be covered in the FAQ below.

>> Can I still join any of the book clubs if I don't have a book published, or ready to submit?

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>> Can I still join any of the book clubs if I don't have a book published, or ready to submit?

Yes, you are more than welcome to join in as a reader only. When you do have a story that is eligible for the club you may contact us via PM and we will add it to our featuring roster.

>> What if I don't want to follow all the members of the club?

Then don't, it's not compulsory at all/ Just don't expect them to follow you if don't.

>> Will the other members follow me back if I follow them?

Yes, most probably if you say hello and tell them you are a new Rebel. BUT we cannot force them to follow you, so don't even bother whining about it.

>> How can I join Slack?

Download the app from the store, set up the account. We will send you the invite link via PM after you pass the quiz. And yes, it's members only.

>> How do I know I passed the quiz?

We will PM you, in any case, to tell you if you passed or not.

>> What if I fail the quiz?

Then you are not accepted for your two-week trial.

>> Why can't I join if I didn't pass the quiz?

Because we need our members to have proper comprehension skills and be good at following directions.

>> Would I be able to try again some other time?

No, the quiz is there for a reason, if you can't make it through it without mistakes you are not fit for the club.

>> Are there stickers and banners for the members?


>> Do I have to wear the sash and add the sticker to my cover?

Nope, not compulsory.

>> Where can I get the member's sticker and sash?

After and you successfully pass the two weeks trial, we will send you the member sash from the Rebel_Town profile. If you don't get it, PM us and we will send you the links asap.

>> Why did I fail my trial?/Are you SURE I failed my trial?

Yes, we are sure. How do we know? We have a bunch of awesome enforcers who read _all_ of your reviews every round. So if your trial comments don't meet our standards, we know right away.

>> Why can't I apply again after I failed the trial?

Listen. We value quality of feedback here at Rebel Town. We have a jam-packed roster of amazing Rebels that put a ton of work into giving amazing feedback. We take a chance on a two week trial for a new member, and if that trial doesn't pan out, and the stories don't receive feedback that meets our guidelines, then that is two weeks that our awesome members aren't getting back what they're putting in. You can imagine why we wouldn't want to take a chance on a user that has already proved that they couldn't put the effort in for their two-week trial. So no, we don't accept member applications from those who have failed their trial.

>> I have an issue, where can I voice this?

PM the Rebel_Town profile, do not bicker in the comments.

>> Where do I request a break?

PM the @Rebel_Town profile or one of the queens (Rasha007, Pfunzo18 ). Do not ask one of the admins.

>> How long can I take a break from the club?

2 weeks max, after that we drop you. You can always reapply, but we don't want inactive members for too long.

>> Where can I find the submission form for the creative writing?

It's linked in our bio as the external website, if you still got issues PM us and we will send you the link.

>> My story contains swearing does that make it mature?

No, it does not. Visit the Wattpad content guidelines to see what entails a mature rating.

>> When will we not accept your story?

When it violates the Wattpad content guidelines. We accept no stories with hardcore pornographic content, beasteality, child porn, sexual exploitation of minors or any theme of self-harm that is either promoted or explained.

>> Is there an age restriction? 

Yes. You need to be 18+ years to join group One and Three and 16+ years to join Group Two.

>> Where can I find the previous award winners?   

In the work titled 'Rebel Legends' on our profile.

>> Can I be an admin but not be part of the club?     

No, we only allow current members to be admins. However, once you are an admin you are allowed to leave the club and only do admin duties, but we want to see your commitment to the club first.

 However, once you are an admin you are allowed to leave the club and only do admin duties, but we want to see your commitment to the club first

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