Chapter Seven

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"Cameron Ann Morgan, what did you do?!" I woke up to Zach's voice and banging on the wall separating the boys' and our rooms.

Bex was smirking and was watching a live video feed from the boys' room with Liz and Macey.

"That was actually Bex's idea!" I yelled back.

Townsend banged on the opposite wall. "Can you kids keep it down in here? I think the whole hotel agrees with me!"

"Sorry!" Bex shouted back and returned to the computer's screen.

There was no use trying to sleep any longer. I sighed and threw the sheets back and walked over to Liz's computer.

Zach smirked up at the camera and ushered the boys out of view and into the bathroom.

Bex glanced at Macey. "You're sure you took all of the towels from the bathroom? Because the look on Zach' s face told me that he has a plan in mind."

Macey nodded. "Positive."

Several minutes passed, and nothing happened. It looked like the show was over. For now.

I started towards my suitcase. "I'm going to start getting ready for today. You guys tell me if there's anything good happening, okay?"

" 'K," Liz mumbled, taking a sip of her cheap hotel coffee.

I had just thrown on some clothes and was brushing my hair into a pony tail when I sensed someone drop down from the ceiling behind me.

I spun around and performed a roundhouse kick, forcing my attacker to the ground. I was about to throw a punch, but then he smirked. "Hello, Gallagher Girl. Did you really think a little bit of water and a shortage of towels was going to stop me?"

"Maybe?" I smiled, my response more of a question than an answer. I lowed my fist. Hearing Zach's voice, my friends had rushed to where we were.

Grant dropped down beside Zach and looked at Bex. "Seriously, British Bombshell, you could've done better."

Jonas was already talking gibberish to Liz about how the hotel could amp up their security measures.

Preston, who was currently whimpering, had climbed down from the ceiling using support from the back of a chair, but had fallen down a scraped his elbow on the floor. Macey glanced at it, but returned to getting ready. "I've seen worse."

Aunt Abby knocked on the door. "Hey, guys and girls, you all ready for breakfast? I've heard the hash browns are to die for...figuratively speaking, of course."

"Just give us five more minutes," I answered.

Preston looked up from his bleeding elbow. "How does she know we're in here?"

Bex rolled her eyes as if he didn't know a thing about my aunt. (Which, really, he didn't, besides that she was an operative.) "Abby knows just about everything."

"I could hear you boys talking!" Abby responded.

"At least she found out about their whereabouts humanly," Macey muttered.

Out in the hotel dining room, we quietly discussed plans for the day. "So we're gathering information on rogue asset, but we don't even know what they look like?" Macey complained.

"Actually, I just received a message from the MI6," Townsend interjected.

"Let me guess," Zach said, a smirk on his face. "They told you to set some booby traps." I guess Zach and Townsend still liked to get on each other's nerves besides the fact that they are father and son.

Townsend glared at him and continued. "They have a lead on a man who is very wealthy. The MI6 and CIA suspect him, but they need to be sure before we take action."

"So, how are we in this?" Bex questioned.

"I'm getting to that, Ms. Baxter," he chided. "He's hosting a gala at mansion tomorrow night. Several of you are going to attend the event undercover."

Preston awkwardly raised his hand. "Uh... Will that include me? 'Cause I'm only a base operator, and I don't want to mess anything up."

Townsend sighed. "Sadly, yes. You and Macey will be acting as a couple that night. Although I don't think you two will have a problem with that." He eyed Bex, Grant, Zach, and me. "You four will also be going. Abby and I will be along the perimeter if there's any trouble. Ms. Sutton and Mr. Anderson, you'll stay here and run the comms units and such."

Aunt Abby pulled a credit card out of her wallet and tossed it on the table. "They gave us this to use to get ready for tomorrow night. Which, will include formal wear shopping."

I groaned. Definitely not how I had imagined I would spend my first day on this mission.

As we stood up from the table, Zach whispered in my ear, "Maybe a red, strapless dress for my Gallagher Girl?"

"Not. A. Chance," I muttered through clenched teeth.

Today is going to be interesting.

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