Chapter 14

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Hi guys...Its been forever, I know.  There were issues...major ones, but I managed to lock away most of my demons and here I am.  Trying to get back to being me again...the me who posted my chapters on time :P  I'll be glad if at least one of you decided to stay with this story...I feel so terrible, but I do hope that whoever is still reading this will enjoy it xxx


They'd been hovering as he'd predicted. The shuffling ceased in the passageway as soon as the door opened. Duncan only just managed to bite back a smile when he caught Colin turn abruptly and bump into Zeke, who was still heading off in the opposite direction with his head down. Colin peaked out from over Zeke's shoulder and then popped neatly to the side turning the Alpha around with him. He winked at Duncan, lips turning upwards in relief, not in the least bit embarrassed at being caught pacing.

"Well it's about damned time you two ladies decided to join us!" Colin's cheerful greeting stopped Bryce short as soon as he fully came into view. "Sorry, I would have offered to wipe your tears but this is my favourite handkerchief." He patted his pants pocket, frowned as he did the same to his shirt pocket, then found the little lump he was looking for and nodded towards them. His grin widened, pleased, body swaying breezily as he balanced on his heels, and then leaned forward again.

"Donut, introduce us already." He made an impatient gesture with his head and then double clapped to make his point. "I have a surprise to share and times are wasting." Zeke cleared his throat and Colin scoffed at him before amending the 'I' to 'we'.

Duncan grinned in amusement, shaking his head at the protective duo and turned to a frowning Bryce.

"Bryce, this is the Vampire King, Colin and that's Alpha Zeke. Guys...My eldest brother Bryce." He looked proudly between the three. Bryce was uncertain as to how he should respond but Colin went ahead and reached out his hand.

Though he looked twice as big as the slender Colin and more than a couple feet taller than the Zeke, Duncan forced himself to cover a snicker at his brother's reaction to the impending handshake. Bryce reared his chest and head back, raised his eyebrows comically and eyed the hand with distaste.

"Man, it's cold, yeah, but it's not like I'm waiting for you to kiss it." When Bryce still didn't do anything, Colin went on, "Come on, it's not my ass." Bryce's eyes widened in astonishment at the blasé tone and Zeke sighed heavily.

"Just shake it quickly so we can get going." He told him. Colin waved the open hand in front of Bryce until he complied. It was quick, but delivered with a noticeable cringe, which Colin blithely ignored. Then Zeke did the same although with a little less enthusiasm than Colin. Bryce gave Duncan a sideways look that screamed, 'are you freaking serious?', and Dunc bit his lip and quietly nodded, avoiding anything close to laughter or whatever might freak out his already freaked out brother. They were used to Colin's odd mannerisms but his brother was more serious than silly on the best of days and this was not one of those 'best of' days.

"Where is umm...Angelo?" Duncan asked, looking past the two, listening in on the otherwise quiet house.

Colin's smile grew to envelope almost his whole face and Zeke lowered his head, hiding his own smile with the action. Curiously, Duncan scrunched his forehead and tried to figure out what they were up to before Bryce took it the wrong way and went berserk again.

"I said it was a surprise." Colin chuckled. "Did I not, Zeke?" He turned to Zeke who nodded, humouring him. "You did."

"So Donut, I can't tell you. You'll just have to wait and see."

Duncan felt a light tap on his back and hmm'd without turning to his brother. "Why does he keep calling you Donut?" He asked suspiciously.

"It's's a nickname." He answered absentmindedly, still wondering about the surprise.

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