Chapter Twelve

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Audrey continued chatting aimlessly to Sherlock on the drive to the abandoned iron processing factory.

The detective stared blankly out the window as the grey city buildings gave way to green suburbs, but he barely noticed their surroundings.

His confidence from earlier had faded rapidly, and fear had risen once again to take its place.

Whoever had taken Lestrade, Mycroft and his dear John was good.

They had managed to abduct Lestrade and Mycroft without leaving a trace. Why had they gotten so careless?

Sherlock was convinced they left the iron ore on purpose, a clue for him to follow.

It must be a trap, but what could he do?

If it was just Lestrade and Mycroft he might have waited until he knew more, but they had taken his beloved blogger as well.

How could he leave John at their mercy? He had no idea what they might be putting him through, there was no way he was leaving him for even a minute longer than was necessary.


He broke out of his reverie, glancing over at Audrey. "Yes?"

"I said we're almost there."

He hated the pitying look she gave him. She was acting like John was already dead.

Sherlock knew he was still alive, he had to be.

"Good," Sherlock murmured, then looked directly at her.

"Here's the plan. I'll go in and see if I can find anything. You need to wait outside, backup is on its way. When they get here, come after us. The prisoners are most important. If you or any of the other police find them, get them out and to safety. Don't wait for me.

They pulled up outside the desolate factory and she nodded, frowning. "Okay, are you sure you don't want me to come with you though? Two guns is always better than one."

Sherlock stepped out of the car and shook his head. "No. You're too inexperienced. I need to focus, not have to worry about your safety."

She looked slightly insulted, but clearly saw the truth in his words.

"Fine, I'll wait for backup. Just, be careful."

Sherlock nodded curtly and loaded his gun, then walked into the factory, apprehension filling him.


The dark room was completely silent, save for the drip drip of water coming from somewhere on Johns right.

The silence was broken by a quiet rustle from directly in front of John, followed by muffled curses as Lestrade desperately tried to relieve a cramp.

"Would you shut up? People are trying to sleep here." Mycroft's joke fell flat and he sighed, irritated. "That my friends, was a joke. This is the part where you laugh."

"Well it was terrible," Lestrade snapped. "You're not funny, please stop."

"That's enough," John sighed. "Wouldn't it be better to focus our energy on figuring out how to escape?"

"Escape? Until recently you seemed convinced that lover boy was going to show up and rescue you like some knight in shining armour."

Lestrade snorted and John scowled.

"I'm sure Sherlock will find us, but unlike you I'm not some damsel in distress."

Lestrade laughed loudly at that, just as a deafening echoing came from above.

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