Chapter Thirteen

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One of the police officers offered to drive Sherlock and John back to their apartment and they agreed gratefully.

John fell asleep on the way home, curled up against Sherlock's side with the detectives arms wrapped securely around him.

He woke when the got home, and Sherlock kept an arm around his waist as they climbed the stairs, dodging Mrs. Hudson's worried questions.

"Would you like some tea?" Sherlock fussed as John sank into the couch, and the tired man shook his head.

"Just sit with me for a bit?"

Sherlock complied and John curled up next to him again, nestling his head into the crook of his neck and staring at the window.

"So, both the Moriarty brothers are gone."

"Mhmm. Good riddance," Sherlock muttered darkly and John elbowed him in annoyance.

"Good riddance? Are you serious? That man lost his brother. He needed help, not a bullet in the back."

He sat up properly, leaning forwards and resting his elbows on his knees.

"It seems we solve one problem, an another immediately springs up to take it's place. Who will be next? A long lost family member? A lover, or a child, revenging someone who is dead because of us?"

Sherlock frowned, not liking the turn Johns thoughts were taking.

"There's no point worrying about something that might never happen," he pointed out softly. "We do what we can, when we can. The Moriarty brothers were both dangerous, I know he should have been arrested rather than killed but lives were in jeopardy. You couldn't have expected us to watch you three die to save his life. He made his choices, and we made ours."

John sighed, scrubbing his hand across his face. " I know. I just get so tired of fighting sometimes. Every time we destroy a threat another one, a worse one, rises."

"So when another threat rises, we'll deal with it. Like we always have, together." Sherlock butted in, squeezing John's knee reassuringly before getting up and walking across the room.

"I've just got to call Inspector Lestrade, I promised I would" he explained and John nodded in understanding, turning away again as Sherlock left the room.

He leaned back into the couch, letting out a small yawn. Sherlock's voice in the next room was too low for him to work out what was being said, but he let the detective's deep tones wash over him, and was quickly lured to sleep.


The setting sun was casting shadows into the small room by the time John woke.

He yawned again and stretched, smiling up at Sherlock, who had returned to his spot by Johns side.

"Good nap?" Sherlock asked conversationally, quickly putting a bookmark into the book he was reading and setting it down on the table.

"Mhmm" John mumbled, shaking himself as he tried to wake up properly.

The detective laughed. "You're adorable when you're still half asleep," he informed John, reaching over to ruffle his hair.

John batted his hand away in embarrassment, reaching up and trying to make his hair sit flat again.

"Learn to take a compliment," Sherlock joked, but there was a seriousness in his eyes that made John pause and look at him questioningly.

"You don't seem to notice what a good man you are." Sherlock observed, eyeing him.

"What?" John asked confused.

"You're a good man John. A great man." Sherlock was gazing at him with a look that he usually reserved for favourite cases, it made John a little uncomfortable.

"I wish you would see yourself as everyone else sees you, as I see you." Sherlock continued, then leaned over to kiss him gently.

John kissed him back, still a little confused as to what he meant.

"I love you John." Sherlock said simply when they pulled apart.

"You know I love you," John replied, flushing slightly.

Sherlock's face lit up with a radiant smile, and he pulled John into a tight hug. "I still have trouble believing it" the detective murmured.

"Well don't" John replied playfully, then added more seriously. "I love you, I always have, I always will."

Sherlock was beaming as he let John go. "Good. I feel the same, obviously. Tea?" He got out awkwardly and John nodded grinning.

"Yes, please."

As soon as he left the room John opened his laptop with a soft sigh.

He started a new post on his blog, only hesitating for a second before writing 'Moriarty's Revenge' at the top of the page.

"John! We're still out of milk!" Sherlock's distressed voice came from the kitchen and John chuckled, settling back to write all about their latest adventure.

Hey guys, so this was the final chapter for 'I don't Deserve You'. I hope you enjoyed it - Thanks to everyone who stuck with it throughout my terrible updating. I really appreciate your support, it means the world to me. I always appreciate reviews or any ways you think I could improve my writing.

I have a bunch of other fics if you want to check any out, they're mostly Spirk with a few other and I'm starting a Merdred one soon.

So, until next time!

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