
I was really enjoying his mouth on mine. I was so focused on the kiss that I had completely forgotten about Hunter and Maria. He broke the kiss and smiled down at me and I grinned like a fool. I couldn't believe I had just kissed a complete stranger! I let him walk me to my house and we stopped at the front door.

"Thanks for the company," I said. I hadn't seen or heard Hunter go inside the house, but I didn't care at the moment.

"Anytime. Maybe we will see each other again soon?" I nodded and smiled at the possibility. "Well, have a good night, Chaz." He kissed me on the cheek and walked away.

I turned, unlocked the door, and locked it before heading up to my- 'our'- room. I took a deep breath before opening the door, but the room was dark. I turned on the light, but he wasn't here. I sighed in relief and went to change into pajamas. I brushed my teeth and went to bed, but he still hadn't come up. I fell asleep still worrying about Hunter.


Two nights later, I was jogging through the park because Hunter had been out with this Maria girl every night since and he hadn't spoken to me in just as long. Just a quick 'hi' and 'bye' before he was out the door.

I needed to think, so I went jogging. I couldn't stop myself from looking around for Grayson, but I didn't see him anywhere. I still remembered his smell, all minty and yet still masculine. My mind drifted back to Hunter, I was wondering if he had completely forgotten about our kissing incidents.

I shook my head. What did I care if he had a new girlfriend? She was better suited to him anyway because she was like him, a werewolf.

No one had mentioned my knowledge of their existence, aside from Grayson and, for that, I was glad. I had been here only a week and a half and I wasn't ready to be questioned like a rebellious teenager. It was getting a little easier to be around Hunter because I hardly saw him now. Ana had asked me why he seemed to be avoiding me. I told her all about the night I met Grayson.

"Plot twist!" She giggled in response. "So are you going to date this Grayson guy just to make Hunter jealous?"

"Why would I want Hunter to be jealous?" I asked and she just nudged me in reply.

I hadn't gone jogging because of that comment, but being cooped up in the house had been difficult, so I finally gave in. So now here I was jogging, as the sun went down. I had brought my iPod this time and jogged in time to my music. I was so into my music and my own thoughts, that I almost didn't notice them.

Two wolves came darting out of the nearby woods. They were growling and circling each other. One wolf was sandy blond and the other, who looked slightly bigger, was a gray wolf with some black mixed in.

I stopped and stood very still, because I was only about 100 feet away from them on the sidewalk. I wasn't sure what to do, as these two wolves jumped at each other, trying to rip out each other's throats. I watched them roll around a few times, then I saw more wolves come out the wolves, silently watching these two go at it.

I looked from the two fighting, to the wolves that stood at the edge of the woods, and then back at the fight. I didn't know whether to run back home or just stay still. I did not want to risk drawing their attention to me. I was contemplating this, when a solid black wolf looked in my direction. It stared at me, as if trying to tell me to run. I took a step backwards and then another.

Go slowly, I thought to myself. I took another step backwards and kicked a solid object. I looked down at the rock and quickly looked back up.

The two wolves were now circling each other again, but all the others were now looking at me. I stood frozen, as the black wolf made a loud noise, that sounded a little like a bark, and caught the attention of the two brawling wolves. They stopped and looked at me. The sandy haired one growled at me and looking into those eyes, I knew exactly who it was.

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