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I've been thinking a lot about how I should come back and every time I write something it doesn't end up sounding right. I tired explaining to you guys why I left but there was no point. Everything seemed to not make sense and it doesn't, but I'm back now, for good this time. If you don't know me already I'm Bryce, I'm 15, a freshman because my birthday is in November. (Don't mind the February 10th thing, I have no idea how to change my birthday from that day to November 18th). I have been depressed for a while I'm not going to lie so maybe that was apart of the problem.

My mom also thought I was done being trans which was a surprise to me why she did what she did In the past which was ignoring me coming out. So yeah I'm a trans non binary person. My mom said I can't be non binary until I'm eighteen because I represent the family so I can't really do anything until I'm eighteen like cut my hair, and change my name to Bryce, and get a binder which I have yet to get.

High school is okay, the pronouns get to me all the time but I just have to brush it off, it's not my fault they don't know I'm non binary, I just can't tell them. They do call me by my last name which is good because being called by my dead name is really hurtful. But school is good, my grades aren't that bad, I wanted a 4.0 and ended up with a 3.5 at the end of the semester. I don't think those grades reflect off of me because I am so much better than that but I'm Black, it's apart of it, i got to work twice as hard to be in the 'normal' range with everyone. It sucks but it's life.

There are plenty of more things hat have been going on and I want to tell you all of them but I want to get this out to let you guys know that I'm here and alive, and that I will be back tomorrow lol. So yeah regular schedule is back. One update on the weekday and two on the weekend. I'll see you on the flip side.

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