Chapter 13: Drama for the arts

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Me: whoa wait I'm on the 13th Chapter?? AWESOME!!!

Lady: oh this is wonderful for you Violet!

Me: most people call me cupid

Lady: but your name is so splendid and unique

Me: well then what will you call the other Violet?

Lady: um.... oh alright I'll call you cupid to make it easier

Me: why thank you miss Lady

Lady: *giggles* you sound like trusty

Me: that I do. Heyyy guys exam's are right around the corner and I'll have another cousin, but I still don't know his name

Lady: why do you not know his name?

Me: well I think it's because they live a couple hours away so we don't talk much are even visit

Lady: that must be heartbreaking

Me: it sometimes is sad but with all my friends I try to put it aside and hang out with my friends, just to tell you =peggy singing= ~me singing~ *other students singing* anyway onto the story *points finger into midair*

Lady: does anyone know what she's pointing at?

~~~Lady's Pov~~~

"Lady dear it's time for school" darling says from downstairs

"okay" I finish putting my blue necklace (that collar thing from olden times, I just don't know what there called) I got for my birthday this year. When I get down stairs I grab a cup of coffee and a doughnut. "After school are you getting your driver's license?"

"yes but one of you need to come with me" (just to tell you I don't know the process goes so you won't see it here so ya) "of course sweetheart now get to school before your late." When I get to school I see a group of people in front of the school doors flirting with everyone that walks by. "I wouldn't go through that doors if I were you Missy" I turn around to see the major player in our school, the one and only tramp. "I don't need your help thank you very much"

"suit yourself" he shrugs and walks to the doors just to be surrounded by girls, of course.

"why hello there pretty lady" one of the boys flirt as I go through the doors "hey chick, look at me when I'm talking to you!" I turn around to see a girl with puffy hair whack the guy upside the head

"bull don't scare the poor girl, sorry about him he has never been around such nice and kind lady's like yourself" I smile at the compliment before we heard Cupid running towards us

"Peggy you promised to be in the theater about twenty minutes ago" the girl with the puffy hair, Peggy shrugs and leaves with Cupid "oh heyyy Lady!" I wave to Cupid before going to my locker and grabbing my books for first class, foods. (Ha same as me this semester which is almost over or possibly over when I publish this) When I get into class Tiana is already making food "Tiana class doesn't start until 8:55, it's 8:50" she takes her jumbo off the stove and pours bowls and puts them on every ones desk "I know I just love to cook no matter if it's before class or not" we talk about food we love until the bell rings and class begins "okay class today there's a presentation going to happen near the end of class so today we'll be cooking cinnamon rolls, now get into your kitchens and assign jobs to each member" we split into our groups and my kitchen just works together on everything since we don't really follow the jobs. At the end of class my groups ate all but ten cinnamon rolls covered with a cream cheese glaze. "Okay class lets go to the theater" our teacher says as kids run out of class leaving my group behind to walk. "That was so much fun making" Belle says picking up her book on the way out "girl what's with the book it's a presentation for....., what is it?" Tiana's friend asks

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