Chapter 2: Pitch the jerk

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~Punzie's Pov~

Bang goes my door as I climb the stairs of the tower I live in. "Mother I'm home!" I yell as I walk to the top of the tower "how was school my flower" my mother called from the kitchen

"I made a new friend today" my mom puts a batch of cookies in the oven and sits down across from me. "Who is this friend" I take a cookie from a plate 

"his name is hiccup and he just moved here from a small village called Berk" at that my mom's face turns sour then goes back to normal as if she was never mad "oh well that's nice and how is that red head up to"

"well she accidentally squashed Hiccup when she slipped on the rope but he's fine now, he seemed pretty use to being squashed by someone." The timer goes off on the stove and I take the cookies out like I did every day. Beep Beep my phone goes off in my bag so I grab it to see Merida's number popping up on my phone. I flip my phone to talk to her just to hear yelling from the other end "Merida??" It gets quite "oh hey Punz sorry about that, I was getting killed in my game again" she says as i hear a bang in the background meaning she possibly just killed someone in her game "So why did you call?"

"Oh ya, Jack wanted us to go to a party with him and Hiccup,wanna go?" I look at my mom and because Merida is so loud she heard the whole conversation "you can go but be back before sundown, It's a school night remember" after I tell Merida I run upstairs to my painting filled room and look for the perfect outfit


After half an hour I walk over to Merida's house to see her climbing the trees in her front yard "Merida get down!!" She groans and jumps down from the tallest tree and walks away like it was jumping off a bed "lets go then" we walk to Snow white's place to see Jack and Hiccup waiting under an apple tree (of course :D) "what is with us and always meeting under trees?" I ask walking over to the tree "oh who knows let's just go in so we can leave sooner" Merida says dragging us inside.

"I'm so glad you guys made it!!" Snow said at the door. As soon as we walk in the house I lose all my friends "Merida? Jack, Hiccup?" I bump into someone. I turn around to see Flynn, one of the players on the football team "hey there rapunzle what are you doing?" he looks so concerning that I totally forget until I hear Merida yell "well I think I just found and need to go before someone is sent to the hospital, bye" I run to the scream to see Hiccup passed out on the ground and Merida being pinned to the wall with a table by Pitch "Let go of me you monster" Merida says trying to push the table away with no progress "why would I do that princess?" Jack appears in the front of a different patch of people and we both walk up behind Pitch and pull him away from the table "let go of me!!" Pitch says as Merida pushed the table away and helps Hiccup "how about no you nightmare" Jack says taking him and hanging him on a branch over a big mud puddle "now stay dog" Jack walks in and everyone starts to cheer at us "no one has ever stood up to pitch, how did you do it?" Mike Wazowski, the school's news reporter asked walking through the crowd "well we couldn't let our friends get hurt even if its the most feared boy at school" Jack said leaning against a wall and I see he lost his shoes as always does "we would love to awnsers more questions but we need to bring Hiccup home so ask tomorrow if we feel like awnsering" Merida said leading half conscious Hiccup out the door. after about ten minutes I can't stand the silence "what the heck happend?!?!" Merida looks at me and continues to walk "when we got split up me and Hiccup went to the snack bar where Pitch started flirting with me again and all Hiccup did was tell him to stop then a fight broke out and all I remember is seeing Hiccup hit the wall hard, pass out then a table got smashed into my stomach and right before you two came he whispered in my ear "Ill make one of you mine soon and hopefully it'll be you" halfway through the story Hiccup got better and started walking on his own "what's with everyone not doing anything when he was annoying you?" we all stopped and Merida looked at him "Pitch is one of the most feared people at school and no one wants to stand up to him but you, you are the first one to stand up to him and survive with a few bumps and scratches" we continue walking in silence till we stop infront of Hiccup's house "you guys want to come inside?" Merida just walks up to the door and we all follow. You can tell Hic's family is Viking, Viking pictures and thigs were all over the place and the only thing odd out of the house was a room full a inventions and video games "is that your room hic?" Merida said looking inside it "ya it is, my dad doesn't like it when he sees my room. says it ruins the image of our family but it's what I like so I'm not going to change" he closes his door and we walk into the kitchen to see a big black dog laying on the ground with a fake leg "Toothless" the dog wakes up and tackles Hiccup to the ground "Toothless get off my leg" the dog gets off him and looks at Merida with big green eyes "this your dog?" Mer goes down on her knees and starts petting Toothless who just falls to the ground in comfort "yes, he saved me from a fire but we both lost a leg, so that's why we both have a metal leg" Merida gets up off the ground and looks outside "it's almost sundown we better get going." Sundown already oh no moms going to kill me "bye Hic, bye Toothless see ya later now let's go before your mom gives you trouble punzie" she grabs my hand and we start running to my tower till were infront of my door "well see ya tomorrow I'll save you a cupcake" she runs into the woods as my mom comes from the door "oh your back flower well come inside we have a visitor" I walk with my mom but she looks different a little more suspicious of my movement, we walk into the kitchen to see Pitch eating some of my delicious chocolate cupcakes "ahh there's my favorite Blondie how are you" I try to turn away but my moms there to block my path "what do you two want? just leave me alone" Pitch gets up from his chair and comes closer to me "why we want you to be like us" mother grabs my arms to face Pitch as he puts a necklace on me "I hope your friends like the new you" then everything goes black. I wake up gasping for breath, was that real or just a dream "flower are you alright?" my mother asks from the bottom of the stairs "I'm fine" I get up and start getting ready for school. hopefully it will be a normal day at school, but of course not.

okay I know this sucks but I promise the next chapters are going to be better. so HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! If any of you want to be in my story as a student or something else just leave it in the comments below and you might be in the story, just tell me:

Name, Age, Grade(if student), (if not student who you are), usual outfit, hair color, eye color, ands other stuff you want to tell me about your character. see ya freaks

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