Christmas special part 2

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Cupid: now I know that it's after Christmas but I promised to complete two or three parts so here's the next chapter and just saying for the next two chapters maybe and each Pov will be from three days till Christmas Eve so let's begin:

~~~Meghan's Pov~~~

two days till Christmas, and here I am watching my younger twin brother Justin try to puts fake snowflakes on our high ceilings. "Justin get down you might hurt yourself" my brother looks at me as the ladder once again wobbles under his weight. "Come on little sis lighten up" I plop down on the couch wanting not to call him off for calling my his little sis. I grab my journal and continue writing one of my many stories trapped inside the small rectangle of pages. I then hear a thud and see Justin on the floor laughing. "you okay?" he gets up and brushes himself off

"never better sis" he climbs back on the ladder as the door opens causing the cold air to come into the nice warm house. "Vi close the door" the door closes as Justin falls again. "Justin you seem to have fallen again hahaha" Cupid says taking off her coat

"hahahaha more then once and some to follow Cupid" he gets back up to just go on the wobbly ladder again. "So what are you up to Meggity Moore?" Cupid says flopping down beside me

"writing" Justin laughs from the ladder

"when are you not Meg"

"when I have work to do"

"or when your playing the Kim Kardashian game" Cupid says nudging me.

"oh shush"

"okay Meggity moore" (this is actually one of the nicknames I call her) Cupid gets up and walk to the kitchen as Justin's foot slips and he hits his head on the ladder. I jump up knocking the book out of my lap "Justin are you hurt?" I walk over to him to see his forehead red from where he hit it on the ladder "how bad is it?" he asks rubbing his head. I was about to answer when Cupid comes back from the kitchen with an ice pack. "red now put this on it" she places it on his forehead before flopping back on the couch and somewhat curling up like a cat . "What were you getting from the kitchen?" I ask as Justin sits on the love seat

"that ice pack" I look to see Justin trying to hide his laugh which he fails at

"well then" I sit down as Justin jumps up from his seat and runs over to Violet

"Cupid what if in February all of sudden me and Jack Skellington start a musical scene?" Cupid smiles and opens her eyes "are you suggesting that or just thinking?"

"just thinking..but wouldn't that be interesting?" (that's a question for all of you, do you think that would be an awesome chapter having a musical burst out in the middle of school? comment your opinion) "I would enjoy that maybe it might happen who knows" I could see something devilish was happening here so knowing them so much I put on a kids movie. Rio came on making Cupid and Justin turn to the TV and be memorized by the colorful scenes and songs. I get up start cleaning the few dirty dishes we have in the sink so mom doesn't have to stress about it after her work. I walk over to see Justin sleep while Cupid is finishing hanging the snowflakes which scared me to death "Violet you know what happened to Justin" she grabs onto the ladder and twists it to be placed in another place while she was still on making me almost have a heart attack "I'm fine see? and besides i'm not on the step he slipped on its right here" she taps two steps above her feet and continues working "guess that's one of the perks of being tall" I whisper making her laugh

"I guess I don't think it's that special" I groan figuring she heard me then stops

"Vi do you think I'm a bitch?" Cupid stops whats shes doing and looks at me

"Meg you know I would never think that and even if I did I would make that clear to see by anyone" she hangs the last snowflake then puts the ladder away "so chin up now that if anyone says that about you I will defend you no matter what" (hear that guys don't make fun of my best friend or I will hurt you hahaha! Anyway just now that I love you all the same and if you need anyone to talk to I'm here for you :D) I smile knowing that but in my head I will always think people hate me, it's just the way I am. "Anyway any more Christmasy thing to do or are we done?" I look around to see the Christmas tree not completely finished "I think we might need to finish the tree"

"that might help" we burst out laughing and start to finish the Christmas tree. (I'm sorry this Pov wasn't very entertaining and such but I promise the next Pov will be more entertaining and the Moore twins will definitely be in it so they have more character depth :D)

~~~Sally's Pov~~~

Christmas eve was tonight and I was spending the night with the one and only Jack Skellington <3 <3 <3. The twins were coming to spend some of the night here then go to spend time with their mom. "Sally have you seen zero?" Jack asks coming into the living room

"no sorry I haven't Jack" I continue working on Justin's Gryffindor scarf that he's wanted for who knows how long. I finish it and wrap it just as Justin come bursting through the door "who's ready for Christmas!?" I laugh as we here a crash at the bottom of the stairs near the entrance of the house "Justin why did you have to buy so many presents for them? It's hard to carry it all by myself and why was Zero outside in the cold?" I walk down the stairs to see Meg in a pile on the ground with Zero and about ten presents. I help Meghan up and grab some of the presents while she grabs the rest and we walk upstairs. "Sorry little sis I was just excited to see Jack and Sally" Meghan sighs and puts the presents under the tree before laying down in front of the fire place "well now that were all here we should start to eat" Jack says walking over to the dining room where a feast had been set up by Jack and I no less then ten minutes ago. "wow that's a lot of food, and I thought Vi was the cooking freak" Meghan jokes before we all sit down to have supper. By 9:30 we are all sitting near the fireplace opening presents. "Look at my awesome Gryffindor scarf!!" Justin runs around his scarf flapping behind him. "Sometimes I wonder how were even related" Meghan opens my present for her. Her face showed me I got the right present "you gave me a photo album?"

"Yes it has photos from when we first meet till now" she puts it aside and gives me a hug

"thank you." We continue till the twins have to leave. 

"Now that the twins are gone would you care to dance?" Jack sure did know how to make me fall in love even more. We danced the night away having the best of times. The clock struck midnight but we didn't care from where we were time had stopped and we were the only ones there. Around two o'clock we started to drift off into our dreamlands. The last thing I saw before falling asleep with peaceful Jack asleep on the other side of the couch.

Cupid: I'm sorry Sally's Pov was short I just ran out of ideas. So did you like Meghan and Justin

Meg: I did it was fun meeting new friends but now i'm going to leave before Justin shows up *Meghan exits as Justin trips down the stairs*

Justin:ow, that actually hurt this time

Cupid:This time?

Justin: ya I keep falling down those stairs and now it actually hurts

Cupid: *whispers* I'm so lucky your not real *normal* anyway I hope you liked this chapter and I want to know your opinion on the Febuary musical idea so comment what you think.

Justin: please say yes it's such a cool idea espacially if it's on febuary 13 which is fridaythe 13th!

Cupid: so comment on that, till next time be a happy little bee! 

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