Chapter 18: Its not a date

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Cupid: aughhhhhh *I collapse on the ground in frustration as Merida walks in*
Merida: what's wrong with ya?
Cupid: this week has been hectic and I need to relax
Merida: well let me take over for awhile so you can get some rest
Cupid: really?
Merida: yes and besides I think I can handle it
Cupid: okay but if you need help you can text me *getting pushed out the living room by Merida*
Merida: fine but only if I need ya, got it?
Cupid: *yawns before going up the stairs* ya ya see you all later...
Merida: Great, hey guys Cupid is been busy all week and is finally deciding to take a little break so I am in charge for now. This chapter is all about the romance even though in the story it's still December but anyway that's how Cupid set it up for me. I think we should move onto the chapter now since I can't think of anything else to say...

~~~Mike's Pov~~~
Stupid stupid stupid. I just had to ask her to go to the park with me even if it's just for an interview. "Dude you need to lighten up, at least you can talk with her for hours" I lift my head up off my desk to look at my best friend, Sully. "That totally helps" I bang my head on the desk again. The bell rings signalling the end of school making me even more nervous then before "hey just keep your chin up and relax, it's just Cupid" he nudges my head then walks to his locker.
"Heyyy Mikey" I turn around to see Violet with two bottles of orange juice and her B.M.O bag (that is my actual school bag!) "oh uh hi" she smiles making my stomach twist a little
"Cupid!!" We look behind Violet to see Marie and Jaqi run up to us (where the heck have these awesome freaks been) "Heyyy guys what's up?" They whisper something in Violet's ear making her gasp. "Um Mike I have to go do.......something" she wave goodbye before being dragged away by Jaqi and Marie. 4:20 I get to the park to see Cupid making a snowman getting her knees all wet from sitting in the snow. "Violet?" She stops and turns around
"oh hey Mike, want to help me finish this snowman?" I walk over to help her and 15 minutes later were both covered in snow since we had a snowball fight. "Hahahahaha, that was fun" Cupid flops down on the ground exhausted "yes that must of been fun" Cupid sits up straight as Pitch comes out of the forest. "Go away Pitch" I say surprising all of us
"well someone took their confident pill" Black sand comes out of Pitch's hand and smacks me into a tree. "Pitch enough you came for me didn't you?" Cupid says getting up and walking in between us "why yes I did" he then looks her up and down before he realizes she has her bow and arrows, wait when did she have those? "What you going to do, make me fall in love?" I see Violet stiffen before rolling over laughing "what's so funny?" She continues to laugh until Pitch lifts her up with black sand. "Now now Pitch I thought you said love was a weak centre" I could see she was playing with his emotions, waiting till he broke under pressure. "It is a weak centre" she just smirks before letting an arrow go and it goes past Pitch's ear making him flinch "if it's such a weak centre why you flinching?"
"Love has nothing to do with you shooting and arrow at me"
"But is that not what I do to portray my centre? And besides I barely nicked you" I get up off the ground slowly to see Pitch's stance waver as if trying to figure out what she was talking about. The only problem to his waver was it gave Violet just enough time to fall onto the ground and disappear behind him. "Yes you do portray your centre like that but I will crush your silly powers in m....." he opens his eyes to see Violet gone then looks at me slowly getting off the ground "WHERE DID SHE GO?" I could feel his anger from about three feet away (who knows measurements cause I don't hahaha) "I guess she could be anywhere" I see Violet sneaking up on Pitch as another girl walks into the park in a leather jacket, tank top, jeans, combat boots, and her arm in a sling. "Yo Pitch!" We all stop to stare at her "what?" she walks up to Pitch and punches him square in the jaw causing him to fall back ravelling Violet. "Nice sis" Violet says patting the girl on the back
"Cupid next time he breaks a part of my body they will never find his body" Cupid looks horrified before the girl pats her back and whispers in her ear. Is that a thing that everyone is doing today? "Heyyy Mike want to go back to the orphange and have some milk and cookies and to help me with the kids?' she says running up to me.
"Sure, it's better then out here with Pitch and broken arm girl who wants to murder Pitch"
"Who doesn't want to murder Pitch?" She laugh as we go to her place.

~~~Eep's Pov~~~ (Yes I'm making this Pov)
Great the sun is down. I walk over to my light switch and turn it on, that's better. I lay back down on my bed and look at my ceiling thinking..... BEEP BEEP my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone freaking out. I grab my phone to see that guy texted me.

Guy: hey want to come help me with a plan?
Eep: sure I'll be right there!
Guy: okay see you soon <3

I smile before exiting my room "where do you think your going?" I turn around to see my dad looking at me "I'm going to the orphanage" my dad looks at me suspicious before grunting and walking away. I breath a sigh of relief before putting on my boots and grabbing my coat before going it to the hectic mess of winter. When I get to the orphanage I can't feel my hands, great. "Oh hi Eep!" Rapunzel says coming from the kitchen. She lives here now even though the DunBrochs allow her to stay with them. she prefers to stay at the orphanage I guess she just likes it better with little kids. "Hey Punzie, where's guy?"
"Upstairs in his room. You two having a date?" She asks playfully as I laugh
"no I'm just here to help him with an invention"
"Sure you are Eep" she laughs before going back into the kitchen, same as always. When I get to his door I hear screaming an explosion and the Belt mumbling something. "Guy?" I knock on the door and it opens showing Guy covered in soot. "Hey Eep come in!" I walk in to see Guy's pet sloth, Belt over on one of the workbenches trying to fix an invention. "What are you working on this time?" He smiles wider before walking over to Belt "it's a surprise Cupid wanted for valentines day and she asked me personally. isn't that cool?"
"That's amazing especially since there's so much students at our school who invent" I can see he's really excited even before he talks to me "I know right? I just feel amazing knowing Cupid is trusting me to build this contraption"
"you should be it's such a privilege" we both turn to the door to see Cupid holding a cookie "foods ready by the way" she smiles before walking back downstairs. When we get downstairs we grab some food and hangout with Cupid, Punzie, Merida, and even Mike, wonder what he's doing here? "Merida you should have stayed at the hospital with Hiccup" Punzie said taking another sip of hazelnut soup. "He'll be fine, anyway they told me to go home till tomorrow then I can come back and visit with Hiccup" she puts her bowl on the conter beside where she was sitting. I looked over at Cupid to see her expression change before Mike pats her shoulder calming her down. "Well how was your date Cupid?" Rapunzel asked teasingly making Cupid blush "it wasn't a date it was an interview and besides it got interrupted by Pitch" everyone stopped what they were doing to look at Cupid and Mike "pitch..WHAT!?" Merida asked landing on her feet walking to Cupid who stood there taking another spoon full of soup "he came to bother me but Kalila knocked him out then we came here so it's no big deal" we all resume to our food until guy goes back upstairs to work on his project "sorry for taking you from your boyfriend Eep he is just one of the best inventors I know" Cupid says as I set my bowl in the sink "he's not my boyfriend you guys do know that right?" They all look at me concerned then laugh "sure Eep" Merida says before heading out possibly to her house since it's closer to the hospital. I set my bowl in the sink and head upstairs to see Guy asleep at one of his work benches with Belt putting a blanket on him. "goodnight guy" I kiss him on the forehead before leaving for home.

Cupid: how how how is this still on my phone? Okay so let me explain this, yesterday I was going to finish this chapter but it said that it was deleted so I freaked out then this morning it was here where I left of so ya my phone is playing pranks on me. anyway hope you like this chapter and if you have any ideas for the next chapter please comment cause I need help thinking of the next chapter since I'm not good at Christmas chapters so please comment anything you want to happen in the next chapter that will be in 2 parts maybe 3. So anyway hope you like it!

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