Chapter 1

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Alex's POV

        June 9, 3:04 AM

        I wake up to another sound of alert from my phone. I groan after checking the time. I reach over to my phone, thinking its just another weather lert or anything besides what it actually was. An Amber Alert. Yet another kidnapping. Everytime I think of someone being taken away, I always think of that horrid place I was told about when I was a kid; even to this day im reminded of it. The Madhouse is what we like to call it. Ever since I was a kid, me and my friends would be reminded that if we ever came upon it, we should run. It was a place were everyone thought missing teens or young adults went. Run by a man whose name is still unknown. In a location still unknown. Anyone whose ever gone missing around here has never been found. In all honesty, I thought this so called "Madhouse" was a bunch of bullshit.

        I then remeber that my phone is still going off. I checked the alert and it was the same old thing. A boy was taken from his home while is parents were out of town. The name wouldnt be realised untill the parents returned. My mind went back to the The Madhouse. Could the missing boy be there? Along with the others who were taken? I shook my head at the thought. It isnt real, I silently repeated. I heard footsteps outside of my room, knowing its my parents, I got up and went downstairs to see them watching the alert on the knews. They didnt notice I was there, so i just went straight back to my room. I had school in only a number of hours and I could use the extra sleep. I laid back down and, with my mind still pounding with endless thoughts, I went to sleep.


        I walked down the school hallways, everyone busy with their own stuff. I looked over the mass of students to find Emily, my closest friend. I spotted her and went up to her. "Hey" she said, not even bothering to look up from her phone. "Hi" i said quietly. I asked her what was so important on her phone that she couldnt even hold a decent conersation. Her eyes widened, for no god damn reason. " You didnt hear about the amber alert?" I nodded my head as an answer of yes. " Of course i did, it was everywere." I said with little emotion. She looked at me with a blank face and said " How are you not freaking out! It was someone who lived aound here! The boy even went to our school!" I just shook my head at her loud voice. I didnt pay much attention to the kids around me, so I dont think that I would have known who this person was. The bell rang, telling us we had a couple more minutes untill calss. I didnt waste anytime, so I said a quick goodbye to Emily and headed off to first hour.

        Classes went by rather quickley as I was on my way home. I walk into the parking lot and headed towards my car. As soon as I got in, I see Jackson, my closest guy friend rushing over. I rolled my window down, noticing that he was out of breath. "Need a ride home?" I asked. His hands on his knees and breathing heavily, he simply nodded. I motioned for him to get in and as soon as he did, he asked me about the Amber Alert. "Yes Jackson. I heard about it. I dont know why everyones making a big deal bout this one though. It happens around here all the time." I said. He looked at me like I just shot a guy. " Are you kidding me right now? Alex, you do know that the boy is in our grade right?" I nodded. Then I asked "Did you know him?" He looked down. "Well no but this is still a huge deal!" He said as I pulled into my driveway. Jackson lived next door so he could just walk back. "Yeah I guess but i dont think I even know the guy." "Guess we'll have to wait untill his parents come back to reveal his name then" He said. Then he headed off after saying goodbye. I headed up the front yard and up to the porch. I was in no mood to do homework, so as soon as I walked into my house, I laid down for quit awhile. I didnt even remember falling asleep, but I woke up to my brother Max jumping on me saying - well screaming that dinners ready. I growned realising I still had homework. This was going to be long night.


        Waking up the next morning was dreadful. I did not want to go to school today. I tiredly got up and got ready. As I headed downstairs, I realised that it was too quite down here. With a 7 year old in the house, its always loud. But the only people downstairs were my parents. " Is Max not going to school today?" I asked as I got my breakast. "No and neither are you" My dad answered. With a smile on my face I asked " Why though? The weathers fine. The schools didnt burn down. Sadley." I mumbled that last part. Then my mom spoke up " The police are dong some research around the school to find out about the missing boy, and if there's anything in the school or in his locker that could help them find him." "Then why is Max still home?" I asked still confused. My mom simply answered that Elementary kids have the week off. Lucky little shits.

        After breakfast, everyone had sat down in the living room to watch the news. I was actually intrested. I had gotten a couple of texts telling me to watch the news. When we first stared watching, it was just about the weather, then it changed topics to the missing teen at our school. The lady talked about how the parents had returned and the news reporter was going to release the name of the boy at the end of segmant. I waited for the name as the reporter talked about the school he went to and what time they think he was taken. Apparently his neighbors saw him being take away and went to catch up to the car he was in but couldnt get there in time. 30 minutes go by and the report is about to end. Emily and Jackson and I are in a group chat and they both are saying that everyones on edge. Then I hear the name announced. "Harry Styles"


Thanks for reading :)





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