Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

        One hour.

 Thats all it took for everyone in the neighborhood and in The Pizza Parlor to go into madness. The fact that Harry Styles might be dead sent alot of his friends into tears immediatly, I just sat there with Emily, still shocked by the news.

Suddenly the news reporter came on, and everyone went into a silence.

"Body of 18 year old Harry Styles has said to be found near the outerborder of the state."

Outerborder? That far? I continued to listen.

"Scientest were able to idenitfy the body as someone else." I hear so many cheers around me as im still trying to listen. I sigh of relief, as Harry might still be alive.

"This someone else happens to be Carter Stone, the 17 year old who was also abducted from his home, only last year. Carter's parents have been nottified and the case is back up. Still nothing on Harry Styles case."

Carter, my boyfriend. Ex now. Yes he did go missing last year. I would pray everynight, and wait outside, just hoping I would see him on the doorstep, saying that he wasnt missing or dead, he was just taking a vacation. But now I know.

Some eyes look at me, knowingly of Carter and I.

I shake the thought out of my head as tears brimm my eyes. Emily looks at me with simpithy and I clench my jaw. I wasnt mad or anything, I just didnt wanna think about Carter. I was finally getting used to the fact that he wasnt going to come back. Now I again was reminded. Now I know for sure, that he's dead.

I grabb Emily's hand, indecating that I wanted to leave. She looked at me then nodded, aqnd we headed back.

The car ride wasnt full of talking, like usually. The only noise coming from the radio and both of our quite humming. I wasnt in the modd to talk to anyone.

After Emily dropped me off at my house, I stopped at my doorstep, ready for my parents to give me a look, saying 'Did you see the news?' Of course I did.

I walked in as my mom was putting dinner out. Dinner? I didnt think it was that late.

I walked in and like I assumed... everyones eyes landed on me.

"Yes, I saw the news. And no, I dont wanna talk about it." I said quitely as i went upstairs to freshen up. I got to my room, and the tears came running out. They wouldnt stop. I wanted them to. But they just couldnt.

Dinner went bu usual, with the accoational stares I got from everyone. I went straight back up and changed into my pajamas. I put my hair up, not being able to sleep with it down.

I fell asleep with Carter and Harry in my mind.


The following morning, I woke up to a phonecall on my phone. I checked to see an unknown number. I answered to hear heavey breathing. Were have I seen that before, I thought, rolling my eyes.

"Carter's dead. How do you feel about that." A deep voice said.

I wanted to scream.

"Poor Alex. Seem's like you didnt take it well at The Pizza Parlor last night."

Shit. He was there. Who the hell is this. I was truley scared.

"What do you want? I didnt do anything" I said, cursing after, cause that was the dumbest and cliche thing I could have said.

The voice came back on. " I enjoyed it. Cutting his throat open as he begged for mercy" He laughed.

I started crying, the hung up.

Was this a sick joke? I felt like throwing up. No one has spoken of Carter to me in quite some time. It all felt strange hear his name again. I thought about calling the police and asking to track the number, then I remembered that there wasnt a caller ID and it couldnt be tracked.

This week keeps getting better and better.

I had asked Emily and Jackson to see if they wanted to go see a movie. Thankfully, they both said yes. We all met up at Emilys house and were headed to her car. On the way to the theater, we notice, yet again, a bunch of people surrounding the T.V inside.

I was hoping that it wouldnt be yet another story of Carter or harry. As rude as this sounds, I didnt want to hear about another damn kiddnapping. We walked inside and as more people looked at the T.V, none of us 3 did. We just wanted to watch our movie.

After watching our movie, we were heading to the exit. I looked up to see at least every person in the entire theater, surrounding the T.V, blocking the exit. Gosh this day has been going great.

We decided just to watch the news. 

"Good evening everyone, this is Charles Burns here to talk about a strange phone call recording from this morning regarding the death of Carter Stone."

Oh no. It couldnt be.

"The phone call came from the househould of The Johansons" All eyes to me.

"Oddley enough, Alex Johanson happens to be girlfriend of Carter Stone. But she was the one to recieve the phone call."

Bloodey hell.

" Wierdest part of it all, her parents have said that she was home alone that morning, yet the phonecall made, leads back to the house."

I was about to fall over, when Jackson caught me. I wasnt home alone. That phonecall was made in my house. Max was at a sleepover party for his friend Cole. My parents were at least 3 hours away on a trip. I was alone. Or i thought I was.

As everyone continued to stare at me with horrid and sorry faces, a single tear comes out. I push past all the people and head to Emilys car. I need to get out of here.

In the car ride, no one spoke, and I was so grateful. "Alex do you wanna talk about it?" I spoke to soon.

"No I dont you piece of sh- "  I didnt actually say it. "No im not in the mood." I said calmley.

As soon as we got home, there were numerous police cars outside my house, and a crying mom.

This should be good.


Idk I got excited while making this chapter. whoops.



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