Amphitrite [Percy]

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Set during the lighting thief: ( this is another short one)

Place: Poseidon's underwater kingdom

" - But mother!" Triton argued. " No buts Triton! You're grounded for a month! No video games!" The Queen of the seas said to her son as she slammed his bedroom door. " Why do you act this way my boy?" She muttered. Amphitrite was swimming through the halls of the underwater castle when her husbands most trusted advisor ran into her so frantically. " What is wrong? Speak!" She ordered. " His Majesty has claimed a demigod child." The dolphin said. " I know." She said somberly. " You do?!"  He replied. " Of course I know! I met the child when he was only an infant. It is not the child's fault nor the mother's fault. It is my husbands fault, now go leave me be." Amphitrite was composed about this entire thing. The dolphin just nodded and swam off.

Set when Percy has gone missing:

" Mother, Father, Lord Hermes the God of Messengers requests to be received." Triton said. " Let him in." Poseidon said. " Lord Poseidon, Lady Amphitrite." Hermes bowed. " What news do you bring?" Amphitrite asked. " Perseus Jackson is missing. " Hermes stuttered. The King and Queen of the seas could be quite scary she they wanted to be. Poseidon's eyes widened and Amphitrite started hyperventilating. " Where is my boy?!" Poseidon boomed. Hermes was reluctant to say. " Tell is where my baby brother is!" Triton demanded. " Hera has taken him and placed him somewhere only she can find. " Hermes was very afraid today to say the least.

" Hera!" Poseidon growled. " Find my stepson! If anything happens to him Hera will not live to see the next tsunami!" Amphitrite screamed swimming furiously out of the throne room. Triton followed his mother out immediately and Poseidon grabbed his Trident and flashed to Olympus to confront Hera. Meanwhile in the Queen's chambers Queen Amphitrite was in terrible distress. " My poor little stepson, I promise Hera won't get away with this." She sobbed to herself ." We will find him mother." Triton promised.

8 months later:

Poseidon and Amphitrite were on Olympus as well as Hades and Persephone and the rest of the gods minus Athena. They were discussing things about the war with Gaea when Athena came in looking distraught which was unusual since she's such a strong goddess. " What's with you?" Poseidon asked. " Oh shut up Barnacle head your son and my daughter have fallen into Tartarus!" Athena said angrily. " WHAT!" Amphitrite screamed. " What about my boy?! Is he alright?!" Hades demanded. " He's fine and with your daughter." Hades and Persephone sighed in relief. " PERCY FELL INTO TARTARUS FOR ANNABETH!!! " Aphrodite squealed. " Sweetheart now isn't the time." Hephaestus said gently. " Everyone rolled their eyes and then turned back to Poseidon to see his reaction to the news. " GET MY BOY OUT OF THERE!!!" He was beyond furious and everyone including Athena could tell. Amphitrite just cried again

The End

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