Finn and Amour PMs

785 20 2

Finn: Heya amour?

-1 hour later-

Amour: Hey Finn!

Finn: How are you beautiful?

Amour: You first!

Finn: Thinking Of Are kiss from last weekend in the beach.

Finn: Thinking Of Are kiss from last weekend in the beach

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Amour: Yeah...and...

Finn: Was it good?

Amour: ☺️

Finn: That bad?

Amour: I never said that. I was just blushing. ☺️

Finn: ☺️ Alright.

Amour: I'm coming over tonight... Causes I am scared of lightening and thunder.

Finn: Alright see you then! Bye Amy! 😘

Amours: Bye Fergal! 😘😍

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