Good Brothers and Finn

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Finn: Help?

Luke: What's wrong brother?

Finn: Amour doesn't want to move in anymore...

Karl: Because Finn was teasing her...

Luke: Finn...

Finn: I didn't mean to... 😥

Luke: Good brother don't cry.

Finn: I not...Amour told me I'm a stubborn Irish man....

Karl: ...

Luke: ....

Finn: But I want her to move in with me... so what do I do?

Karl: Take her to dinner. Maybe spoil her.

Finn: This is Amour not your wife.

Karl: Oh yeah. But women like the attention. They like the fact you are there and doing things with them.

Luke: They also like patience. Taking things slow and paying attention to her. Making sure to really keep the conversation active. Make eye contact stay on track and maybe but a small joke in there to get a laugh

Finn: Thanks brothers!

Karl: Anytime Finn! Go get her brother!

Luke: Good luck brother.

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