Group Chat

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TheDog: What's up?

Mrs.Devitt: Where planning something for Jessica and Aj.

Mr.Devitt: And What is that?

Brother#2: So What are we planning

CHANTELLE: Karl stfu we are trying to figure out!!!!

Chantelle Ginger: Babe why are you so angry?

Mrs.Devitt: If you guys could stop typing I can explain what this is.

*brother#2 has changed Mrs.Devitss username to Angry Women.

Angry Women: KARL!!!

Brother#2: TOO SWEET!

Misty: 😂😂😂 damn

Cassie and Zack: TOO SWEET! 🤘🏻

Carter: Haha wow real cute!

Angry Women: Fergggg

LeonaDar: Why is my last name Dar???

Noamdar: Because you love me....

TheDog: Awe Daddy finn to the rescue.

Angry Women: He is not daddy!!! He's my husband. Your kinky ass. 😂

Misty: Hey Amour not ok!!

*Mr.Devitt has changed Angry women's username to Queen*

Queen: Alright so supposable Jessica is pregnant...😁

Cassie and Zack: Oh shit... what how?

Queen: Giggle stick met woohaw Yeppie...

Mr.Devitt: 😛

TheDog: And She was....

Sethie: No Roman no no

Misty: Roman!!!!

TheDog: I think I Shit myself...

Cassie and Zack: right....

CHANTELLE: Mhmmm Yeah about that maybe she did it with deannn

Chantelle's Ginger: Yeah they where talking about it.

Sethie: Shit that's not good....

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