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Finn: Hey Karl  guess what....☺️

Noamdar: Finn advice please

Finn: Give me a second.

Karl: Finn it's only five am...

Finn: But guess what happen! ☺️☺️

LukeGallows: Amours Pregnant?

Zackdaddy:'Finn Congrats!! I got to go and tell Amour

SamiZaynwwe: Awe Girl or boy?

Aj: Finn....

SethRollins: well if we stop typing he may reply....

Finn: Amour and I took the next step! ☺️😀

Karl: Which was?

Finn: Well we have been together 8months so....

Karl: Finn what the hell did you do to good sister?

Finn: I slept with her. ☺️

Luke: Well you you have the last month almost right?

Sami: Amour and Finn had the S word

Finn: Sami it's Sex. You can say it.

Noamdar: Finn it took you long enough to do that.

Finn: SEX! You can say it....your not going to die from saying Sex!

Karl: So you and Amour last night like a few hours ago did the shadow dancing?

Finn: ? What do you mean Karl?

Seth: Did you get nasty with Amour?

Finn: Huh?

SamiZaynwwe: I'm forbidden from saying the word.

Finn: Are you guess asking if I had sex with Amour last night? If so the answer is yes....

-3 hours layer-

No reply's.

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