Sami and Chanto

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Chantelle❤️: Hey Sami was wondering if you had any left over food?

Sami😍: I don't but I'm going out in a little. Wanna come with me?

Chantelle❤️: No need to ask twice. I'll be ready in ten if you can pick me up that will be even better.

Sami's Point Of View:
I soon pulled up to Chantelle's house and I beamed seeing her dressed in something a little more formal than sweats like last time. While she made her way to the car I sat in the car fiddling with my hands. I was excited of course. I shouldn't be so excited we have been together for a while but I just can't. She makes so happy inside and I can honestly say my heart works a little harder when I'm around her. I don't know why I wish I did but maybe it's because I like her. I like her a lot. I don't think like it the word...maybe something more like the word Love.

"Sami are you alright?" Chantelle asked me with a huge welcoming smile.

"Yeah i was just thinking." I admitted giving her back my own smile looking up from my hands to admire her face.

Chantelle nods and she leans over and pecked my lips. "Well if you feel open enough you can are always welcome to share with me." Chantelle said happily as her hands soon found my cheeks and rubbed them softly.

I grinned and bit my lip for a brief second. "I love you." I admitted to her blushing darkly. "I may have said it before but i wasn't ready. It has just dawned on me know that I have fallen deeply in love with you." I admitted feeling completely at ease now.

Chantelle smiled and kissed my nose. "Sami I Love you too. Even when you lied about your hearing system being broken." She admitted to me.

I smiled and pecked her forehead. "So I'm considering this a date since we are dating. Since I'm a loving boyfriend I'm taking you out to dinner. Ok a date and then I wanna go home and watch a movie with you." I told her my plans. Probably actually sounding demanding but not intentional meaning to.

Chantelle smiled and held my hand. "No later than midnight?" She asked me curiously.

I smiled and shrugged. "You fall asleep before I can take you home so I just let sleep over." I admitted to her squeezing her hand a little.

Soon I Feel Chantelle lips touch mine. I happily kissed her back before slowly pulling away. "Babe I can't make out with you because the venue is going to close and you told me you wanted dinner."

Chantelle cocked an eyebrow. "You told me you where going out..." she said catching me in another lie.

I smiled and kissed her cheek. "With you that is." I admitted with a larger smile than before.


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