Friday Nights

427 35 10


It's tonight.

The big date with Harry is tonight. Yes, it's a big deal don't judge me.

"Mom! I need your help!" I shout across the apartment.

Not a second later she's in my room, carrying about 4, maybe 5, different dresses; leave it to Mom to come prepared for the impossible.

"Oh, I thought you'd never ask!" she says with a cheerful tone. Does my mom actually think I can't do this by myself?

"Okay Mom, don't be too enthusiastic, but I need a dress to wear on my date tonight with-" and then I'm cut off.

"What's he like? No, wait! Don't tell me! I can figure this out myself!"

"Mom! Focus!" it always feels weird when I have to shout at Mom, even it it's in a joking tone, it doesn't feel right anymore, not since... that's not important.

"Okay, okay. Now what kind of date is it? Classy and romantic, or stroll-through-the-park and laid-back?"

"I honestly don't have the slightest idea," well I'm not lying.

"Here, try this," she then hands be a black lace dress which has this sexy-not-too-sexy look to it. It has a breezy, lighthearted look while still being black lace. Every girl's dream.

"Oh my god, Mom, I love it!" I exclaim. Fun fact, I actually did love it that much to where I exclaimed something.

"Yay! Now your father and I are going sightseeing for the day, and it's supposed to be rather chilly so I'd suggest you wear some black tights under that dress to keep warm. Oh, and bring a sweater too because you never know," at that point I just tuned her out because I was so excited about this date. In hindsight, I think Mom did mention something about a cat, I should've listened.

Speaking of cats, I have two now. No, this doesn't make me a cat lady. It's perfectly stable for a girl to have more than one cat. I'm not weird.


He'll be here at 7, I thought to myself, hoping I was right. There'd be too many times in high school whee guys said they'd show up, and never did. But we don't really talk about high school, not since... why am I worrying? He'll be here at 7.

Update: it is now 7:03 and here's not here. What if he doesn't like me anymore? He could've just gotten stuck in traffic though, but where does he live and how long would it regularly take him to get here? I should really find these things out... okay now that sounded creepy.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. Let him in before he leaves, my mind screams at me. Sometimes I wish I would just shut the hell up.

Anyway, I figured it would make sense to open the door, so that's exactly what I did.

And there he was. Standing there in a dress shirt and dress pants, casual, but classy. I look casual but classy, right? Do I not look casual and classy, am I ruining this?

"Hi Taylor, umm, wow... you look amazing." BUT DO I LOOK CASUAL BUT CLASSY THAT IS THE QUESTION.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I reply. He looks casual but classy.

"So what are we doing tonight?" I ask, hoping it's either casual or classy.

"I thought we could go for something to eat, and then maybe for a walk through Central Park," oh thank heavens.

"That sounds lovely," I say, mocking his accent.

"Hey!" he says back, but in a cheerful, joking way.

"So I guess we should go for that dinner now, because I am starving," wow I'm great at third impressions.

"Same, I mean, yeah we should go eat now."


"So Taylor, tell me about yourself," he says.

"There's not much to know, I mean, I had good grades up until after middle school, I have a great family even though I don't talk to them much, I really like cats and coffee, and that's pretty much it," I reply, hoping he won't ask about after middle school.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened after middle school?" Fuck.

"No, this time you tell me about yourself, after all we did meet at a coffee shop." Dodged many bullets on that one.

"Well my name's Harry, I was born in England, I moved here last year when I turned 19, I like sweaters, and I really really like music." Damn, I was hoping he lived a boring life.

"Why'd you move here from England? I mean, I love New York and all, but you left England for this?" I ask.

"London gets boring after 19 years," he replies flatly. It seems like he doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe London's his... never mind.

"So where in New York do you live? Not in a creepy way, I mean, conversation and what not," I say, and it's followed by a laugh. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

"Manhattan, and I see you live in that fancy apartment of yours in Tribeca," he says with a wink. A wink.

"Yeah, I don't know how I afford that, I don't do anything to pay the rent. Matter of fact, I've never gotten charged rent."

"That's weird, but are we really going to question a rent-free apartment in Tribeca?" He makes a good point.

"Very true," we both laughed.


"Okay, last name," he says.

"Swift, yours?"


Harry and I were asking each other about ourselves during our walk in Central Park. This had been happening for the last hour. Just then, we finally reached Harry's car.

"Well I guess I should bring you home now," he says. I wish I didn't, but I agree.

The car ride to my apartment is silent. Not an awkward silence, a peaceful one, in fact.

"Thank you for tonight," I say as we reach the front door of my apartment.

"My pleasure, you're a very lovely lady, Taylor." Yay, I'm lovely.

"Goodnight, Harry."

"Goodnight, Taylor."

Harry then turns to walk away. I can't do this again. I'm not gonna let people just walk away anymore.

"Harry wait."

He turns around, and before he can say anything, bam. We're kissing. Not too long, not too short.

"Now, it's a goodnight," I say to him, before running into my apartment and shutting the door.

But I still don't know if I looked casual but classy.

A/N: It's been 8 years since I last updated I'm so sorry oh whale

Anyway I wrote this long thing in almost an hour and now I'm tired

This is a really boring a/n and I'm sorry but this chapter is not all about me it's about cute shit yay


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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