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Dear Mom & Dad,

Went out to get coffee. Be back soon. I love you!

PS - I forgot to feed Meredith and I'm too lazy to do it now.

I wrote out a note to my parents, and left it on the kitchen counter. I swear, 90% of the past week and a half is me going to the coffee shop. Literally, I need some variety in my life.

On my way, I'm just now realizing how much I enjoy the walk. The buildings are so pretty here, provably the only place in NYC where the buildings are pretty, and I love it so much.

"Hi, what would you like today?" the barista asks. Okay, I can answer this.

"I'll have a iced vanilla latte, please," I didn't stutter. I answered the barista without stuttering.

"Thank you!" I say after she hands me my latte. Out of the corner of my eye I see that boy, Harry, sitting at a table in the corner. I'm gonna be brave and walk over.

"Is this seat taken?" Wow Taylor, could you possibly be any cheesier.

"Taylor, I was actually just gonna call you today!"

"Wow, you remembered my name. That's a first."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Most people just ignore me and brush me off like I'm a disturbance."

"Well I wouldn't- I mean I won't- I mean, never mind."

"By the way, I might as well ask for your phone number considering you have mine."

"Of course, of course," he replies."

He hands me a paper with his number, which might I say is a pretty beautiful phone number. Wait, what the hell?

"Should I call you later tonight maybe?"

"Well I kinda have my parents over and I haven't seen them in a few years, but they don't do much. So sure." I answer sarcastically. Am I ever not sarcastic? Am I ever not pondering my existence? Focus, you're having a conversation.

"I'll talk to you tonight, then."

"Tonight it is." I reply, mocking his accent.

That was followed by me having to walk home without freaking out. What a challenge, am I right?


"Mom! Dad! I got coffee, for me at least!" I shout, hoping they're awake. If not, they are now.

"Good morning Taylor!" Mom says cheerfully, as she drinks her orange juice. Orange juice, good choice. And now I'm criticizing my mother's choice of breakfast drink.

Meanwhile, Dad was focusing on the TV, apparently "Good Morning America" was more important. I isn't blame him though, it is a morning talk show thingy.

"So what do you guys want to do today?" I ask them. At this point, I really don't care what the answer is, as long as we're back in time for Harry's call.

"I was thinking we could go see The Statue of Liberty! I've wanted to see it in person since I was your age! How does that sound Scott? Scott! Hello?" Mom rambles off, trying to get Dad's attention.

Come to think of it, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. The Statue of Liberty is an important landmark.

"That sounds like a great idea, Mom! I'll get some stuff together." I run off, gathering things for the day.

And then all three of us piled into the car, and drove off on our adventure.


"That was so much fun!" Mom exclaims as we return to my apartment. At this point, it's 9:37, not that I'm checking my phone every minute, and Harry still hasn't called.

"Taylor, I think your mom and I are gonna hit the hay. Goodnight." Dad says, and then the two of then are gone. And I'm left alone in the living room waiting for Harry's call.

As if on cue, my phone rings. And guess who it is.

"Hi Harry." I say through the phone. Taking to him through the phone is so much different than talking to him in person. But oh well.

"Taylor, hi. Listen, I only have a minute and I hate to rush because I know you've been waiting all day, so I'm gonna make this quick. Okay, here goes. Could I maybe take you out on a date this Friday? I mean, if you want to, you don't have-"

"Harry, I'd love to."

"Yay! Okay, I'll get back to you. Umm, bye." For once, I'm not offended by someone hanging up on me.

And now I can be ridiculously happy.

A/N: HEYO - Jay

So I wrote this over one hour in one night and it's severely unedited so don't hate me just deal with it holler.

Anyway, I'm gonna dedicate this chapter to Taylor (twitter - sadmalun) because she's flawless as ya know so check out her stories (michael_clifford) because they're as flawless as her. By the way she doesn't know I dedicating this to her and she provably never will but ya know.

Okay I think that's it.

twitter - gravygrande

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