IMESSAGE GC "SEVEN-SOME" Jaymes [gay jay] Daliah [dali winston] Laura [lo] Jacob [jay with a cub] Tony [toe with a knee] Tom [spiderdood] Carington [girl with tapes]
spiderdood who is still in la? haz and i are bored asf
gay jay i still here!
dali winston as am i
lo i left a long time ago 😂
toe with a knee ^
jay with a cub ^
spiderdood cool. dal, jay, wanna hang? care can even come along!
dali winston i'm down
gay jay same here but care on the other hand... probs not.
girl with tapes hi, hey, hello.
spiderdood oh wow, hello!
gay jay so carebear, wanna join?
girl with tapes idk. i have um
gay jay you have what, care?
girl with tapes um my mom and i are supposed to do stuff tonight cause she flew in for photoshoots so i have that :)
dali winston no you don't. your schedule is all cleared and mama walsh expects you to be going out with us tonight and not sitting on your ass watching Greys! or TVD! or TWD! or just any tv show!