Part 1

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Outside the birds were chirping and the sun was peaking behind the curtains, the alarm on a phone started going off. The form laying on the bed slowly began to awaken and reached out for the offending item. A grunt was heard from the confines of the bed covers, " Oh God my head" a voice said it was gravelly because of sleep, " I over did it again." after a moment a head appeared from under the covers it belonged to a handsome young man, he usually was the envy of his peers for his looks but not at the moment, he looked nothing like his normal self and felt nothing like it. His name Phana Kongthanin second year medical student, nicknamed Pha.

Pha did not fell like getting out of bed this morning, he could not take another day of watching Yo the person he loved wrapped around Forth, his former 'Moon and Star' opponent, become drinking buddy although in recent weeks Pha wanted to be no where near Forth. Pha had rejected Yo's confession not realizing that he was the person he was in love with. Damn his stupidity. Once he'd realized who Yo was he tried to claim him back but it was to late, Yo had given up on him and moved on to someone else. That someone just happened to be Forth, he could not say that Forth stole Yo from him because no one knew he liked Yo not even his closest friends.

After the incident with Yo he'd gone and got himself drunk and ended at his best friend Beam's dorm room, but he could not remember what happened and because of that he'd avoided his friend for two whole weeks because he'd once again been afraid. Why? You ask, he thought he'd let the figurative cat out of the bag. But after realizing that he was going to loose his friend if he did not fix this problem he went and spoke to Beam. His friend had not been gentle at all and read him 'the riot act' his words to him were, " If we're truly friends you ask me what happened instead of behaving like a fucking child and avoid me."

Beam had gone on to tell Pha exactly what had taken place on the night of his drunken escapade. " You arrived at my place you were babbling about a 'he' who no longer loved you. When I asked you what you meant you just mumbled a lot of nonsense words then passed out. After you passed out I managed to get you unto my bed cleaned your ass up and laundered your stinky clothes. When I woke up the next morning you were gone."

After he'd heard that he'd felt like shit his friend had taken care of his drunk ass and he repaid him by avoiding him. " I am sorry, Beam please forgive me." Beam had not been able to stay mad at Pha, how cold he when he loved him and had missed him so much during those two weeks. Although Beam had promised himself to move on from his unrequited love so that he could to allow himself to love again so far it had not been easy, and he was still pinning after Pha. He was just starting out, thus he allowed himself these moment of weakness.

Beam and Pha had gone back to being friends after mending their wounds. Pha wished he could tell his friend about his crush but he was not yet ready to disclose that information, nor was he ready to talk about his sexuality. He'd been hiding from his friends for so long he did not know if they'd forgive him or understand his reasons, especially Beam who had been openly bisexual since his early teens. The difference between Pha and Beam was that Beam parents were understanding and accepting of their son where as Pha's parents would not even listen to him when he tried to talk to them. " It's just a phase, you'll grow out of it," were his mother's words.

As for his father all he was concerned about was appearances and his reputation, " We've arranged your marriage to Suphat Wijitan ( Pring) so don't even dare spread that around, no son of mine will talk about being gay. Do I make myself clear?" Was his father's warning.

At this very moment he could care less what his parents wanted, because of them he'd become a coward and had lost the person he loved. Pha was planning to rid himself of Pring although at the moment he still did not know what he could do, but this time he would not try to do it alone he would enlist the help of his friends.

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