Part 13

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As the boys stood outside the house Pha noticed a Mercedes luxury van coming to a stop close by, when the vehicle came to a full stop a well dress gentleman stepped out and walked in their direction. Pha was a tad apprehensive of the new comer until Yo turned around and noticed the man, a smile bloomed across the younger man's face " Daddy," he shouted as he ran into the man's arms. Pha felt a tinge of jealousy as he'd never had that kind of relationship with his father.

Ming went up to greet him next, "Uncle it's good to see you." But the kicker came when Forth said, "Dad, how are you?" At that Pha's mouth hung open "Forth my boy, hope Yo has not been giving you too much trouble?" He said with a teasing note in his voice. Yo pouted which caused Forth to laugh, "No trouble at all dad," the tall guy responded.

"Daddy come meet my friends," Yo's dad ruffled his son's hair with a smile then they walked in the direction of the three remaining boys. "These are my seniors from High School, P'Pha, P'Beam and P'Kit" Yo pointed at each person as he got to them and each of them in turn paid their respect to the elder.

"It's good to finally meet you boys, thank you for looking after my sons."The boys frowned as far as they knew he only had one son. "Sons sir?" Sir Panichasawad gave them a smile, "Wayo and Ming Kwan, " he stated. Sir Panichasawad then turn to Pha, " Pha my boy don't worry about a thing I am here for you, I give you my full support." He said while giving Pha a gentle pat on the back. "Let's not waste any more time, it is high time that you talk to your father and resolve this matter."

"Yes sir."

"Please boys call me uncle. I consider any friend of my sons as family." He said while another smile graced his face, "Lead the way N'Pha."

When they got to the main door Pha rang the door bell, a few moments later a maid came and opened the door, " Welcome home N'Phana," She then when on to greet his guest. "Please come inside, I will let your father know that you've arrived." She then lead them to the front living room where they should wait for Dr. Kongthanin.

Sir Panichasawad shook his head he could not believe what he'd just witnessed.

They'd been waiting for thirty five minutes before Dr. Kongthanin finally arrived,and when he did he completely ignored his sons guest "Phana I... " he began as his eyes roamed those who were present and had stood when he entered the room, only then did he noticed who the older gentleman his maid told him about was, "Sir Panichasawad." He voiced out. When Pha turn his head toward sir Panichasawad, the kind man they met outside was no where to be seen, his business face was in place

"Sorry to intrude Dr. Kongthanin when my sons told me they were spending the weekend at a friend's I wanted to see what kind of household they'd be staying in.

"My apologies sir I was not aware."

"Awareness is not important, treating everyone with the same respect is what matters." Sir Panichasawad was letting the doctor know where he stood from the very beginning.

Dr. Kongthanin knew he'd been rude to his son's guess on purpose since he had never like his two best friends he thought they were a bad influence on his child, never thinking that the boy would befriend the sons of one of the most influential men in Thailand and now he had insulted this man, one the of the things that he'd always sought to protect could be damaged if this got around once again the doctor was thinking about his reputation.

Sir Panichasawad was not someone who liked to waste time, for this reason he went straight to the point, "There is actually another reason for my being here, one of my sons asked me to help his friend with a very hard task." Sir said with a smile that never reached his eyes, "May we have a word in private doctor?"

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